
I have attached myself to the lineage of the Chosen One, praise him

حاشى أضام ولى بالمصطفى نسب

1. I have attached myself to the lineage of the Chosen One, praise him
What an excellent beloved, and what an excellent lineage and status!

١. حاشى أضام ولى بالمصطفى نسب
نعم الحبيب ونعم الجاه والحسب

2. I am a man who has filled his heart with love for him
So my heart is seized and pulled by love

٢. إنى امرؤ ملأت قلبي محبته
فالقلب بالحب مأخوذ ومنجذب

3. My soul, my body, and all I have gained of vigor
I have dedicated to you, and this is but some of what is obligatory

٣. روحي وجسمي وما أحرزت من نشب
وقف عليك وهذا بعض ما يجب

4. He is the means and the greatest support for whoever
Seeks salvation, when hardships befall

٤. هو الوسيلة والجاه العظلم لمن
رام النجاة إذا ما انتابت النوب

5. This is the one who honored the world with his birth
And poured down the abundance of bounty, so rain poured down

٥. هذا الذي شرف الدنيا بمولده
وقاض فيض الغنى فالغيث منسكب

6. And brought fertility to mankind after barrenness, and they suckled
The breast of purity, so barrenness and turmoil disappeared

٦. وأخصب الناس بعد الجدب وارتضعوا
ثدى الصفاء وزال الجدب والشغب

7. On the night of birth and nativity, signs of truth appeared
Which foreigner and Arab saw

٧. في ليلة الوضع والميلاد قد ظهرت
آيات صدق رأتها العجم والعرب

8. So the people of Sawa, their lake overflowed
And the arch of Kisra cracked, so it shook

٨. فأهل ساوة قد غاضت بحيرتهم
وانشق إيوان كسرى فهو مضطرب

9. And the fire of Persia from the signs of his birth
Turned to ashes, though before it blazed

٩. ونار فارس من آيات مولده
صارت رمادا وكانت قبل تلتهب

10. And every eavesdropper, the meteors pelted with
Fire, so they did not return or come back again

١٠. وكل مسترق للسمع قد رجمته
الشهب نارا فما عادوا وما انقلبوا

11. And the idols became small with the infants in littleness
And the crosses and statues were smashed to pieces

١١. والجبت صار مع الأولام في صغر
وقد تحطمت الصلبان والنصب

12. So the times are in joy, and disbelief is in war
And the party of polytheism spent the night wailing

١٢. فالدهر في طرب والكفر في حرب
وعصبة الشرك باتت وهي تنتحب

13. And Abraha was driven back with deceit and misguidance
The year of birth, and with rocks we repelled him

١٣. وردّ بالكيد والتضليل أبرهة
عام الولاد وبالسجيل قد ذهبنا

14. This prophet, the cosmos have been ennobled by him
And the Throne, the carpet, the angels, and the stars

١٤. هذا النبي به الأكوان قد شرفت
والعرش والفرش والأملاك والشهب

15. He traveled from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque
Where the delegations of messengers were waiting

١٥. سرى من الحرم الأسمى إلى الحرم
الأقصى وفيه وفود الرسل ترتقب

16. He prayed with them after they gave their greetings to him
For he is the source, from whom all are tasked

١٦. صلى بهم بعد ما أدوا تحيتهم
لأنه الأصل عنه الكل منتدب

17. Then he ascended towards the Lote Tree of the Limit
In a distance of two bow lengths or nearer, with no veil

١٧. ثم ارتقى نحو معلى العرش في شرف
لقاب قوسين أو أدنى فلا حجب

18. And he drew near, so he dangled towards his Master
While the angels remained below, veiled

١٨. وقد دنا فتدلى نحو سيده
لمستوى دونه الأملاك تحتجب

19. He saw God with his own eyes, and he saw
What no mind can perceive, so no wonder

١٩. رأى الإله بعيني رأسه ورأى
ما ليس يدركه عقل فلا عجب

20. Neither where nor how can conceive this
This is the truth, no doubt or suspicion

٢٠. لا الأين يدرى ولا التكييف محتمل
هذا هو الحق لا شك ولا ريب

21. Upon him, the Master enjoined the prayer, and from
That duty, he fulfilled might and purpose

٢١. عليه قد فرض المولى الصلاة ومن
تلك الفريضة وافى العز والأرب

22. And he returned to Mecca gladdened by seeing Him
And the night was still night, the dawn still veiled

٢٢. وعاد مكة مسرورا برؤيته
والليل ليل وضوء الصبح محتجب

23. Gabriel spent the night, and Michael served him
This is the might, not money or vigor

٢٣. جبريل بات وميكائيل يخدمه
هذا هو العز لا مالٌ ولا نشب

24. How many in Mecca rejected his words
And their leader said, "This is a lie"

٢٤. وكم بمكة من ردوا مقالته
وقال قائلهم هذا هو الكذب

25. And a group turned back from the path of Islam
But the victors overwhelmed them, though with guidance they were overcome

٢٥. وارتد عن منهج الإسلام طائفة
وغالبوه ولكن بالهدى غلبوا

26. And after their aversion to him and their division
They returned, and by God's grace, we came to love him

٢٦. وبعد رغبتهم عنه وفرقتهم
عادوا وفيه بفضل الله قد رغبنا

27. This prophet, the stones spoke to him
This prophet, the scriptures gave good tidings of him

٢٧. هذا النبي له الأحجار قد نطقت
هذا النبي به قد بشرت كتب

28. This prophet by whose way of life the stars
And planets moved, and sorrows and distress disappeared

٢٨. هذا النبي الذي سارت بسيرته ال
كبان وانجلت الأحزان والكرب

29. This prophet, without whose prophethood
There would be no pillar or condition or cause

٢٩. هذا النبي الذي لولا نبوته
ما كان ركن ولا شرط ولا سبب

30. His light is the source in creation eternally
So everything in the universe stems from him

٣٠. فنوره الأصل في التكوين من أزل
فكل شي له في الكون منتسب

31. His message was a mercy for the creation
So all who come to water drink

٣١. كانت رسالته للكون مرحمة
فالكل من ورد المرتاد قد شربوا

32. When will I see him, and the ships carry me
Folding up the deserts in their hands and plundering them

٣٢. متى أراني وسفن البر تحملني
تطوى الفيافي بأيديها و تنتهب

33. From every plain they flow silently
With firewood on their backs, steadily marching

٣٣. من كل عيساء تسرى وهي صامته
في ظهرها قتب في سيرها خبب

34. They stretch their necks marching quickly
Toward the beloved, and when they touch him, they grab hold

٣٤. تمد أعناقها في السير مسرعة
نحو الحبيب وما إن مسها يقب

35. Yearning and love for the Guide and his benevolence
And shedding tears in longing as they draw near

٣٥. تهيم وجدا إلى الهادي وطيبته
وتذرف الدمع شوقا حين تقترب

36. Or I mount the steed of steamers going
Toward Medina, where might and purpose lie

٣٦. أو أمتطي صهوة الوابور متجها
نحو المدينة حيث العز والأرب

37. Therein is the Prophet, and therein is every honor
Therein is felicity, therein is the elect company

٣٧. فيها النبي وفيها كل مكرمة
فيها السعادة فيها معشر نجب

38. Therein is the prophet of guidance, therein are his companions
What an excellent prophet, and what excellent companionship they had

٣٨. فيها نبي الهدى فيها صحابته
نعم النبي ونعم القوم قد صحبوا

39. There I will weep in awe of his majesty
With downcast eyes and pouring tears

٣٩. هناك أبكى خشوعا من مهابته
والطرف ساج ودمع العين منسكب

40. And I will raise my hands beseeching
The Generous One, hoping for God's pardon

٤٠. وأرفع اليد بالتسآل ملتجئا
إلى الكريم وعفو الله أرتقب

41. And I will kiss the soil from the threshold of his chamber
For its soil is the goal and quest

٤١. وألثم الترب من أعتاب حجرته
فتربها التبر فيه القصد والطلب

42. And I will ask the Chosen Guide for his intercession
For I have committed a grave sin

٤٢. وأسأل المصطفى الهادي شفاعته
فإنني لعظيم الذنب مرتكب

43. Perhaps the Pardoner's forgiveness may spare me
In a stance where there is no escape or flight

٤٣. لعل مغفرة الغفار تدرمني
في موقف حيث لا منجى ولا هرب

44. When I say, without blame or sin,
"I am saved," then no fear or terror remains

٤٤. إذا أقول ولا لوم ولا حرج
إنى نجوت فلا خوف ولا رهب

45. This is the might in the world and its dwellings
And the ultimate goal - this is the rank

٤٥. هذا هو العز في الدنيا وضرتها
وغاية المبتفى هذى هي الرتب

46. Blessings upon him, whom He sent with the truth
As long as the wind blows and stirs the stalks

٤٦. صلى عليه الذي بالحق أرسله
ما هبت الريح واهتزت بها القضب

47. And upon his family, his companions and followers altogether
As long as the longing person yearns or the stars journey

٤٧. والآل والصحب والأتباع قاطبة
ما اشتاق ذو شجن أو سارت النجب