1. Ask about my heart, ask it, for it is its dwelling
And the abode of love's fever, if its songs appeased me
١. سل عن فؤادي سلعا فهو مثواه
وحي حي الحمى إن جزت مغناه
2. And descend into the valley of al-Naqa from the slope of Kazima
And beware of the glances of the doe if she made it her dwelling
٢. وانزل بوادي النقا من سفح كاظمة
واحذر عيون المها إن رسمت سكناه
3. And say to the doe of Janah, her gaze kills
Sweet of features is she whose gaze has misled
٣. وقل لظبي جنى بالفتك ناظره
حلو الشمائل من بالفتك أفتاه
4. And who on the breasts of lovers has authority
And with glances has seduced others
٤. ومن على مهج العشاق سلطه
ومن على الغير بالألحاظ أغراه
5. Rym aimed at my breast from the bow of her eyebrow
An arrow that struck the essence of the silent heart
٥. ريم رمى مهجتي عن قوس حاجبه
سهما أصاب صميم القلب اصماه
6. I did not think that a glance would wound me
Until her eye shot me with the arrow of a glance
٦. ما كنت أحسب أن اللحظ يجرحني
حتى رمتني بسهم اللحظ عيناه
7. O Arabs of the valley of al-Naqa, if my blood is shed
In your lands, then my conscience does not refuse it
٧. يا عرب وادى النقا إن حل سقك دمى
في شرعكم فضميري ليس يأباه
8. If I die of love, there is no fear or sorrow
For the one who dies of love, paradise is his abode
٨. إن متّ بالعشق لا خوف ولا جزع
فميت العشق دار الخلد مأواه
9. And if I live, in your nearness I have hope
For patience is praised after distress, however prolonged
٩. وإن أعش كان لي في قربكم أمل
فالصبر تحمد بعد الضيق عقباه
10. I do not lie to God, my heart is in love with al-Naqa
No matter how far, I will not forget it
١٠. لا أكذب الله قلبي بالنقا ولع
مهما بعدت فإني لست أنساه
11. O guide of the caravan, if you descend upon them
Convey my fervor and longing cast upon the distance
١١. يا حادي العيس بلغ إن نزلت بهم
وجدى وشوقي وما بالبعد ألقاه
12. And say the love-struck one whom Dhanf found
His soul in agony and his heart moaning
١٢. وقل صريع الهوى من وجده دنف
والنفس في لوعة والقلب أواه
13. He spends the night while yearning folds and unfurls him
And the downpour of tears is his companion
١٣. يبيت والشوق يطويه وينشره
ووابل الدمع خد الخد مجزاه
14. While sleep opposes him and slumber betrays him
And the stars in the night wherever they roam watch over him
١٤. والنوم خالفه والسهد حالفه
والنجم في الليل أنى سار يرعاه
15. When will those nights at that neighborhood return
For faces are like the full moon, their likeness
١٥. متى الليالى بذاك الحي تجعنا
إن الوجوه لبدر التم أشباه
16. For the Lord has brought its branches to life
And the meadow greenery, the beauty of its blossoms and splendor
١٦. لله ربع به الأغصان مائسة
وروضة الغض حسن الزهر وشاه
17. The breeze of morning blew its branches
And its scent perfumed us with the musk it nurtured
١٧. هزت نسيم الصبا أعطاف دوحته
فعطرتنا بنفح المسك رباه
18. And it warbled above the frankincense branch, singing
With the softness of its melody, the people of love are lost
١٨. وغردت فوق غصن البان ساجعة
من رقة اللحن أهل العشق قد تاهوا
19. When I remember their zeal when I visited it
I gained more vigor and passion from recalling it
١٩. إذا ادكرت حماهم يوم زورته
زدت انتعاشا ووجدا عند ذكراه
20. It is as if the fingers of longing are toying with me
A crazed Majnun, Layla bared him, spent his night awake
٢٠. كأنني ويد الأشوقا تلعب بي
مجنون ليلى عراه وجد ليلاه
21. Or as if hope of nearness crept up on me
I drank relief, sated from its fever
٢١. أوأنى ورجاء القرب خامرني
شربت راحا رويا من حمياه
22. My fervor is for him, for in him is all glory gathered
So the blissful one, in him bliss was perfected
٢٢. لهفي عليه ففيه العز أجمعه
فما أتم الهنا فيه وأهناه
23. From him the light dawned, its rays do not fade away
And the light of Taha, Messenger of God, is most sublime
٢٣. منه بدا النور لا تخبو أشعته
ونور طه رسول الله جلاه
24. Muhammad who illuminated the universe with his rising
And all became joyous seeing his light
٢٤. محمد من أنار الكون طلعته
وأصبح الكل مسرورا بمرآه
25. The Opener, the Seal, the Chosen One from Mudar
Whom God supported with the Qur'an, his claim
٢٥. الفاتح الخاتم المختار من مضر
من أيد الله بالقرآن دعواه
26. With the best description from all descriptions combined
And the noblest name from all names he was named
٢٦. بخير وصف من الأوصاف جمله
وأشرف اسم من الأسماء سماه
27. All praise in his names gathered
So the name matches the meaning of the named
٢٧. كل المحامد في أسمائه اجتمعت
فالاسم طابق في المعنى مسماه
28. How many verses appeared on his birthday
And how many mouths articulated clearly
٢٨. كم آية ظهرت في يوم مولده
وكم وكم أفصحت بالنطق أفواه
29. And polytheism and idols were in distress
And humiliated were those prideful of their might
٢٩. وأصبح الشرك والأصنام في نكد
وذلّ من كان معتزا بعزّاه
30. And the palace of Chosroes shook at his birth
And Kisra was troubled in thoughts through the night
٣٠. وارتج إيوان كسرى عند مولده
وبات مضطرب الأفكار كسراه
31. And disbelief closed its eyes dying
And said "Oh my sorrow, my sorrow!"
٣١. والكفر قد أغمص العينين محتضرا
وقال واحسرتا أواه أواه
32. The truth came and the soul of disbelief perished
And truth rises for God is most high
٣٢. الحق جاء وروح الكفر قد زهقت
والحق يعلو لأن الله أعلان
33. The month of Rabi' was ennobled by his birth
And increased in joy over the two Eids with his mention
٣٣. شهر الربيع علا قدرا بمولده
وزاد عن بهجة العيدين ذكراه
34. And how not, when the Messenger of God ennobled it
With the auspiciousness of his rising and his name
٣٤. وكيف لا ورسول الله شرفه
بيمن طلعته الغرا واسماه
35. And his night journey was in Rajab
So blessed, blessed is its fortune
٣٥. وكان مسراه والمعراج في رجب
فحبذا حبذا للسعد مشراه
36. For his ascension to the Throne was continuous
Glory to the One who made the ascension his means
٣٦. فكان معراجه للعرش متصلا
سبحان من جعل المعراج مرقاه
37. And he drew near so He draped from His precinct
And singled him out with the bounty of nearness
٣٧. وقد دنا فتدلى من حظيرته
وخصه بجميل القرب مولاه
38. To Sidrat al-Muntaha (the Lotus Tree of the Extremity) Gabriel escorted him
And the light enveloped him and enveloped him
٣٨. لسدرة المنتهى جبريل أوصله
والنور بالسر يغشاه ويغشاه
39. At two bow lengths or nearer the veils were unveiled
The unseen secrets and with reverence He greeted him
٣٩. كقاب قوسين أو أدنى له انكشفت
حجب الغيوب وبالتعظيم حياه
40. So he attained what he attained of his Creator's veneration
Not even the Throne knows or those within its unknown
٤٠. فنال ما نال من إجلال خالقه
لا العرش يدرى ولا من فيه مغزاه
41. From Him upon him the five prayers were prescribed
In every day without revelation he received it
٤١. منه عليه صلاة الخمس قد فرضت
في كل يوم بلا وحي تلقاه
42. This is the greatest blessing for his nation
In it is good fortune, honor, and station
٤٢. هذي هي النعمة العظمى لأمتّه
فيها السعادة والإجلال والجاه
43. That privilege no one else obtained
And none attained ascension to the Throne except him
٤٣. تلك المزية لم يظفر بها أحد
ولم يفز بارتقاء العرش إلا هو
44. So the Throne surely boasts of the Chosen One
Since his slipper traversed the Throne's carpet
٤٤. فالعرش بالمصطفى لا شك مفتخر
مذ سار فوق بساط العرش نعلاه
45. Who can equal him or who can compare to him
And God placed all the messengers below him
٤٥. من ذا يدانيه أو من ذا يشابهه
والله دون جميع الرسل أدناه
46. How not when the God of the Throne in eternity
From His light with perfect creativity created him
٤٦. وكيف لا وإله العرش في أزل
من نوره ببديع الصنع سواه
47. So he was a light upon a light led aright
By the One who saw the light sparkling in his life
٤٧. فكان نورا على نور يسر به
من شاهد النور يزهو في محياه
48. And he was of excellent manners and refined etiquette
For God cultivated him upon manners
٤٨. وكان بالحلم والآداب متصفا
إن الإله على الآداب رباه
49. All perfections in the Best of Creation converged
And every noble word, it is his meaning
٤٩. كل الكمالات في خير الورى اجتمعت
وكل لفظ جليل فهو معناه
50. God made clear in the letter 'noon' his virtues
And the limits of grace are in what God made clear
٥٠. قد بين الله في نون فضائله
ومنتهى الفضل فيما بين الله
51. This Prophet eradicated disbelief with his sword
After they stubbornly rejected his call
٥١. هذا النبي أباد الكفر صارمه
من بعد ما عاندوا في رد دعواه
52. So he attained honor from his Protector
And whoever turns away, God will disgrace him
٥٢. ففاز بالعز من ولاه وجهته
ومن تولى فإن الله أخزاه
53. His punishment is the lion and eagles pursue him
To gain spoils from the body parts of those he killed
٥٣. عقابه الأسد والعقبان تتبعه
لتغنم الفىء من أشلاء قتلاه
54. The warriors cower to his awe altogether
From his might and those with crowns fear him
٥٤. تعنو لهيبته الأبطال واجمة
من بأسه وذوو التيجان تخشاه
55. They fell prostrate to him from the intensity of his awe
And all of them fulfilled the promise sincerely
٥٥. خرت له سجدا من فرط هيبته
والكل منهم بصدق الوعد وفاه
56. If they had not fulfilled the promise at dawn
With an army he would have cast them like shooting stars
٥٦. لو لم يوفوا بصدق الوعد صبحهم
بجحفل لجب كالشهب مرماه
57. When serious, he does not compromise anyone
And if the sharp sword calls him, he responds
٥٧. إن قام جد ولا يلوى على أحد
وإن دعاه فرند السيف لباه
58. His blows from every most intense strike
His resolve is strong, whoever meets him, he casts down
٥٨. من كل أروع لا تنبو مضاربه
صعب الشكيمة من لاقاه أرداه
59. As if they were created for stabbing since youth
Or their hearts were made of solid rock in its foundation
٥٩. كأنهم خلقوا للطعن من صغر
أو قلبهم من صميم الصخر مبناه
60. They seek no station but God's approval
And whoever seeks approval, He satisfies him
٦٠. لا يبتغون سوى الرضوان منزلة
وكل من يبتغي الرضوان أرضاه
61. And the leader of honor on the Day of Gathering, he leads them
And whoever the Chosen One leads, He brings him good tidings
٦١. وقائد العز يوم الحشر قائدهم
وكل من قاده المختار بشراه
62. This Prophet, for him the trees prostrated
And the wolf spoke eloquently and greeted him
٦٢. هذا النبي له الأشجار قد سجدت
والضب أعرب بالفصحى وحيّاه
63. And the doe spoke words and the trunk inclined to him
An embrace and with excellent patience he counseled her
٦٣. والظبى كلمة والجذع حن له
فضمة وبحسن الصبر أوصاه
64. And that he is of the saplings of eternity tomorrow
So his soul was pleased with what he will meet
٦٤. وأنه من غراس الخلد في غده
فطاب نفسا إلى ما سوف يلقاه
65. For him the forearm spoke though bitten by the snake
Yet he did not taste it and his excellent speech saved him
٦٥. له الذراع بدس السم قد نطقت
فلم يذقها وحسن النطق نجاه
66. And the sheep of Qatadah returned after being butchered
And the faith of Jabir, the tiger spared him
٦٦. ورد ين قتاد بعد ما قلعت
ودين جابر أدنى النمر وفاه
67. With his touch the ewe oozed after drying up
Praise God who brings life in the morning and quenches thirst
٦٧. بلمسه الشاة درت بعد ما يبست
لله در غدا الهادي وأرواه
68. From his palm the water spring burst forth
So it pleased with its drink just as its course pleased
٦٨. من كفه فاض نبع الماء منبجسا
فراق شربا كما قد راق مجراه
69. The right and left palm of Mustafa equally spent
No difference in generosity between his right and left
٦٩. باليمن واليسر كف المصطفى وكفت
سيان في الجود يمناه ويسراه
70. If not for the Prophet and his mission's secret
There would be no universe nor the creation made
٧٠. لولا النبي ولولا سر بعثته
ما كان كون ولا الخلاق أنشاه
71. And no existence for this universe from nothingness
And Adam would not have been endowed with life
٧١. ولا وجود لهذا الكون من عدم
ولم يكن آدم شاقته حواه
72. No sky, no sun, no moon
And darkness would not illuminate without him, without him
٧٢. ولا سماء ولا شمس ولا قمر
ولا استنار الدجى لولاه لولاه
73. O You who the Throne and orbits sublimely ascended
And You whom morning breeze specifically chose
٧٣. يا من سما العرش والأفلاك منزلة
ومن بنصر الصبا قد خصه الله
74. And You hosted above Al-Jawza constellation
And You who graced him when You granted him virtues
٧٤. ومن أناف على الجوزاء مقعده
ومن حباه المعالي حين أعطاه
75. And when the distressed seeks his side
Seeking care, You enriched and satisfied him
٧٥. ومن إذا التجأ العاني لجانبه
يبغى العناية أغناه وأقناه
76. My heart is immersed and filled with Your love
And the abode of Your love, worries besiege it
٧٦. قلبي بحبك مغمور وممتلىء
وبيت حبك حاشى الضيق يغشاه
77. No heart You dwell is tortured
But paradise and al-Firdaws is its abode
٧٧. ولا يعذب قلب أنت ساكنه
بل جنة الخلد والفردوس مأواه
78. It aspires to the maidens and boys happily
And will not fail by God's grace its hopes
٧٨. يسعى إلى الحور والولدان مغتبطا
ولا يخيب بفضل الله مسعاه
79. So be my intercessor when people gather
And the pages are unfolded and people lost
٧٩. فكن شفيعي إذا ما الناس قد حشروا
والصحف قد نشرت والناس قد تاهوا
80. And all are anxious from fear and dread
And my sins apparent I had feared
٨٠. وأشفق الكل من خوف ومن فزع
وبان من طائرى ما كنت أخشاه
81. So favor me with your care that includes me
For You alone for me beyond all have worth
٨١. فامنن عليّ بعطف منك يشملني
فأنت وحدك لي دون الورى جاه
82. So Ahmad al-Hamlaoui, branch of your tree
I seek refuge, I seek refuge from the terrible day forgetting you
٨٢. فأحمد الحملاوي فرع دوحتكم
حاشاك حاشاك يوم الهول تنساء
83. And grant him from You a share that never leaves him
Throughout time, its worldly and eternal affairs
٨٣. واجعل له منك حظا لا يفارقه
مى الزمان بدنياه وأخراه
84. And show kindness to the one who with sheer love was loyal
And the origin and branch with all his relatives
٨٤. واعطف على من بمحض الحب أخلصه
وألأصل والفرع مع أفراد قرباه
85. And who protected your sublime faith and supported it
And to the servants sincerely guided
٨٥. ومن حمى دينك السامي وأيّده
وللعباد بصدق القصد أداه
86. And the Family, Companions, and all loved ones
Whose longing the fervor stirs to see him
٨٦. والآل والصحب والأحباب قاطبة
ما حرّك الشوق مشتاقا لرؤياه