
This is the sanctuary of al-Shafi'i, the sea of loyalty

هذى رحاب الشافعي بحر الوفا

1. This is the sanctuary of al-Shafi'i, the sea of loyalty
The ink of Islamic law and the cousin of Mustafa

١. هذى رحاب الشافعي بحر الوفا
حبر الشريعة وابن عم المصطفى

2. He whose knowledge has spread across the world, who can claim
To have gained knowledge without learning from al-Shafi'i?

٢. من علمه عم الورى من ذا الذي
من غير علم الشافعي تثقفا

3. The sea is the ship of Sharia sailing upon it
A fresh Euphrates, it contains the cure

٣. بحر سفين الشرع تجرى فوقه
عذب فرات سائغ فيه الشفا

4. So settle in his courtyard and cling to his side
You will see kindness overflowing from the Imam

٤. فانزل بساحته ولذ بجنابه
تنظر من الحبر الإمام تعطفا

5. There you will see the light of virtues radiating
There you will see the sea of Sharia pure and clear

٥. وبها ترى نور المكارم مشرقا
وبها ترى بحر الشريعة قد صفا

6. O visitor, plead to him
For God chose him for his knowledge and ennobled him

٦. يا زائريه توسلوا بجنابه
فالله بالعلم اجتباه وشرفا

7. O you whom time has become hostile
And misfortunes have assaulted violently

٧. يا من له أضحى الزمان معاندا
وغدا بأنواع الخطوب معنفا

8. Turn to al-Shafi'i's sanctuary, you will find
The judge of Sharia, the just Imam

٨. يمم رحاب الشافعي تجد به
قاضى الشريعة والإمام المنصفا

9. His mother did not hope for virtues and brilliance
Except he returned endowed with every merit

٩. ما أمه راجي المكارم والندى
إلا وعاد بكل فضل متحفا

10. This Imam, kings stand in awe at his door
Out of reverence for his majesty and fear

١٠. هذا الإمام ببابه عنت الملو
ك مهابة لجلاله وتخوفا

11. Though he grants generously to those who come
Pleading to him, seeking his kindness

١١. مع أنه يهب الجزيل لمن أتى
متوسلا بجنابه مستعطفا

12. His virtues have spread among people so his rain
Comes morning and night with kindness ever-flowing

١٢. عمت مكارمه الأنام فغيثه
يمسى ويصبح بالمكارم واكفا

13. Who sought the Imam al-Shafi'i
And did not gain good reception and honor?

١٣. من ذا الذي أم الإمام الشافعي
ولم ينل حسن القبول والاحتفا

14. Or failed in his quest and fell into disgrace
Or remained distressed and teetering on the edge?

١٤. أو خاب مسعاه وساءت حاله
أو ظل مكروبا وبات على شفا

15. No, by Him who endowed him with noble traits
There is no ambiguity or concealment in his virtues

١٥. لا والذي قد خصّه بمناقب
مافي محاسنها غموض أو خفا

16. Rather, all who entered his sanctuary, he granted
Favor, gifts and bestowed bounty upon them

١٦. بل كل من ولج الرحاب أمدّه
بالفضل منه وبالعطايا أتحفا

17. O best refuge after the family of Muhammad
In our Egypt, whether settled or nomadic

١٧. يا خير جاه بعد آل محمد
في مصرنا إن جار هر أو جفا

18. You whom the hadith has borne witness to your merit
O you raised between Zamzam and Safa

١٨. أنت الذي شهد الحديث بفضله
يا من تربى بين زمزم والصفا

19. We are your guests, O Imam and man of brilliance
Who grants generously to those who visit

١٩. إنا ضيوفك يا إمام وذو الندى
يهب الجزيل لمن أتى متضيفا

20. So grant your guests a glance of your generosity
For your noble glance makes hearts yearn

٢٠. فامنح ضيوفك من سماحك نظرة
فلحسن نظرتك الفؤاد تلهفا

21. And grant your sublime care for those gathered
Out of love and following your noble Sharia

٢١. وامنح رعايتك الألى حضروا هنا
حبا ومن لجليل شرعتك اقتفى

22. And for all scholars, with their knowledge
May they be cured of every malady of the heart

٢٢. وعموم أهل الشرع من بعلومهم
من كل داء في الجوانح يشتفى

23. And for those who upheld the banner of your birth
Whose beauty is manifest and filled with purity

٢٣. ولمن أقام شعار مولدك الذي
جلت محاسنه وحل به الصفا

24. Grant the leader of Muslims your care
To triumph with a clear victory and justice

٢٤. وامنح إمام المسلمين رعاية
ليفوز بالنصر المبين وينصفا