
O masters of knowledge, shed tears of sorrow for us

يا سادة العلم صبوا الدمع هتانا

1. O masters of knowledge, shed tears of sorrow for us
For conviviality has passed and the time of grief has come upon us

١. يا سادة العلم صبوا الدمع هتانا
فالصفو ولى ووقت الحزن قد حانا

2. Death has spread out, leaving no one behind
And calamity has befallen all people collectively and individually

٢. سطا المنون فما أبقى على أحد
والخطب عم الورى جمعا ووحدانا

3. Al-Azhar has been shaken with intense sorrow
For the protector who had adorned it is gone

٣. والأزهر اضطربت أركانه جزعا
على همام به قد كان مزدانا

4. The Shaykh of shaykhs, the source of virtue since his youth
Who was a symbol of guidance and righteousness

٤. شيخ الشيوخ ورب الفضل من صغر
من كان للهدى والإرشاد عنوانا

5. The beacon of guidance and religion has faded
Our hearts are torn asunder and all are left confused

٥. هوى منار الهدى والدين وانصدعت
منا القلوب وأمسى الكل حيرانا

6. Though death is predestined
The death of this noble one is disgraceful for all

٦. إن المنايا وإن كانت مقدرة
لكن على الكل موت الشهم ماهانا

7. We will miss his virtues, his sublime character
He was a source of goodness and a helper for good deeds

٧. حسونه الفضل من كانت شمائله
غرا وكان على الخيرات معوانا

8. How many were quenched by his sweet spring
That made bitter herbs taste sweet

٨. فكم رجال سقاهم عذب مورده
فعاد كل يعذب الورد ريانا

9. Every genius of knowledge took a drink from him
As hands gestured wherever he was

٩. من كل نابغة للعلم مرتشف
له الأكف أشارت أينما كانا

10. The advocates of justice among his sons
Built the pillars of the houses of wisdom

١٠. حيا العدالة من أبنائه نفر
وشيدوا لبيوت الحكم أركانا

11. They demolished the buildings of injustice
As they erected the edifice of justice

١١. هدموا من صروح الظلم أبنية
كما أقاموا لصرح العدل بنيانا

12. How many signs of his virtue have been recited
One would think them Quran if not for the religion

١٢. وكم له آية في الفضل قد تليت
يخالها السمع لولا الدين قرآنا

13. This imam whose merits are countless
That I cannot enumerate or fully describe

١٣. هذا الإمام الذي حلت مناقبه
فلست أحصرها عدا وتبيانا

14. I am astonished by his status like a star and a pebble
And by his goodness like a meadow and generous rain

١٤. أربت على النجم قدرا والحصى عددا
والروض حسنا وغيث السحب إحسانا

15. How much did his eyes stay awake seeking knowledge and deeds
And how many nights did he spend in worship and Quran

١٥. كم أسهر الطرف في علم وفي عمل
وكم طوى الليل تسبيحا وفرقانا

16. Oh Azhar, mourn the imam of Muslims
And dress in many colors of sorrow for him

١٦. يا أزهر ابك إمام المسلمين ونح
والبس عليه من الأحزان ألوانا

17. Remember his favors that you still preserve
And spread praise and thanks for their owner

١٧. واذكر له مننا لا زلت تحفظها
وانشر لصاحبها حمدا وشكرانا

18. And pray to God with sorrows for us
And ask forgiveness for the lamented departed

١٨. واسترجع الله في خطب ألم بنا
واسأله للراحل المبكى غفرانا

19. O Lord, place him in the highest paradise
And grant him forgiveness and pleasure

١٩. يا رب أنزله في الفردوس منزلة
وارزفه مغفرة وامنحه رضوانا

20. Draw the veil of light over him
And give him houries and young servants after bliss

٢٠. واجعل عليه حجاب النور منسدلا
وهبه بعد الرضا حورا وولدانا

21. And grant his sons and all the people of religion
Patience and solace after his loss

٢١. وامنح بنيه واهل الدين قاطبة
من بعد فرقته صبرا وسلوانا