1. Her friend wished the days to linger, though parted
From the one he loved, yet joy was not then denied him.
١. وَقَصيرَةِ الأَيّامِ وَدَّ جَليسُها
لَو دامَ مَجلِسَها بفَقدِ حَميمِ
2. With her he tasted long the wine of fancy free,
Though slim her merit to ensnare a constant lover.
٢. كَلِفٌ بِها وَبِهِ قَديمُ صَبابَةٍ
قَدُمَت وَما عَهدُ الفَتى بِقَديمِ
3. For brother mine she clad herself in yellow robes
Of tribute, at a mime's soft glances feigning passion.
٣. مِن مُحدِياتِ أَخي الهَوى جُرَعَ الأَسى
بِدَلالِ غانِيَةٍ وَمُقلَةِ ريمِ
4. Her dress the tawniness of cowhide showed, as though
Modesty had cast off her cloak, descrying shame in it.
٤. صَفراءَ مِن بَقَرِ الجِواءِ كَأَنَّما
تَرَكَ الحَياءُ بِها رُداعُ سَقيمِ