
My eyes, do not hasten the tears and look

أعيني لا تستعجلا الدمع وانظرا

1. My eyes, do not hasten the tears and look
At the likeness of the son of Umm al-Mu'minin's farewell

١. أَعَينَيَّ لا تَستَعجلا الدَمعَ وَاِنظُرا
شَبيهَ اِبنِ اُمِّ المُؤمِنينَ المُوَدِّعِ

2. Do not despair that the rift will heal after him
Dubious as the branch of the shaking spring

٢. وَلا تَأيَسا أَن يَشعَبَ الصَدعَ بَعدَهُ
أَريبٌ كَفَرعِ النَبعَةِ المُتَزَعزِعِ

3. Worthy that the son of truth should strive as
His father strove in the endeavor of an undefeated father

٣. جَديرٌ بِأَن يَسعى اِبنَ صِدقٍ كَما سَعى
أَبوهُ عَلى مَسعى أَبٍ لَم يُضَيَّعِ

4. For the friends of the son of Zaynab have become
Scattered seeds from valleys and plains

٤. فَإِنَّ أَخِلّاءَ اِبنَ زَينَبَ أَصبَحوا
شَتاتَ النَوى مِن مُصعِدٍ وَمُفَرِّعِ

5. And they were like a revived tribe shaken by
The calamities of days of a turbulent time

٥. وَكانوا كَحَيٍّ قَبلَهُم ذَعذَعَت بِهِم
نَوائِبُ مِن أَيّامِ دَهرٍ مُذَعذَعِ

6. When the elegy was clear, my tears rushed
Like the pouring of the hastening pilgrim

٦. فَلَمّا تَبَيَّنتُ النَعِيَّ تَبادَرَت
دُموعي كَسَكبِ الواكِفِ المُتَسَرِّعِ

7. With eyes reddened by tears, they spilled as if
The setting sun in the west was cloaked in clouds

٧. بِمَكحولَةٍ بِالصابِ طَلَّت كَأَنَّها
كُلى الغَربِ أَتَآهُ طِبابُ المُرَقَّعِ

8. For a perished one, laid to rest in the depth of a grave
While above him is the highest station of the mourned

٨. عَلى هالِكٍ مُستَودِعٍ قَعرَ حُفرَةٍ
عَلى جالِها الأَعلى مَقامُ المُشَيَّعِ

9. How could you be safe? Why did you not die, and your pact with him
As he channeled from palms and forearms?

٩. فَكَيفَ سَلِمتُم لَم تَموتوا وَعَهدُكُم
بِهِ وَهوَ يُذري عَن أَكُفٍّ وَأَنرُعِ