
When the son of Mustafa descended upon the valley of Tal'a,

إذا نزل ابن المصطفى بطن تلعة

1. When the son of Mustafa descended upon the valley of Tal'a,
He banished its barrenness, and its branches grew green with rain.

١. إِذا نَزَلَ اِبنُ المُصطَفى بَطنَ تَلعَةٍ
نَفى جَدبَها وَاِخضَرَّ بِالغَيثِ عودُها

2. And Zayd is the springtime of mankind in every wintry season,
When its days and nights alternate, and its thunders rumble.

٢. وَزَيدٌ رَبيعُ الناسِ في كُلِّ شَتوَةٍ
إِذا اِختَلَفَت أَنواؤُها وَرُعودُها

3. Bearer of blood monies for casualties, he is as though
A lamp in the darkness when the winds of good fortune blow upon it.

٣. حَمولٌ لِأَشتاتِ الدِياتِ كَأَنَّهُ
سِراجُ الدُجى إِذ مارَنَتهُ سُعودُها