
I witnessed one morn the foes of Bani Sulaym

شهدت غداة خصم بني سليم

1. I witnessed one morn the foes of Bani Sulaym
With faces changed by your decrees, not made black.

١. شَهِدتُ غَداةَ خَصم بَني سُلَيمٍ
وَجوهاً مِن قَضائِك غَيرَ سودِ

2. You judged by precedent and ruled with equity,
Not inheriting the rule from afar.

٢. قَضَيتَ بِسُنَّةٍ وَحَكَمتَ عَدلاً
وَلَم تَرِثِ الحَكومَةَ مِن بَعيدِ

3. When the reed-pipe is squeezed, my life bears me witness,
Your reed-pipe is best when put under duress.

٣. إِذا غُمِزَ القَنا وُجِدَت لَعَمري
قَناتُكَ حينَ تُغمَزُ خَيرُ عودِ

4. If the expert squeezes it, it recoils in disdain,
Scornful of rising to meet his address.

٤. إِذا عَضَّ الثِقافَ بِها اِشمَأَزَّت
إِباءَ النَقسِ بائِنَةَ الصُعودِ

5. It defends the flesh of the Banu, though they
Lie beneath the soil, Abu al-Walid!

٥. حَمى حَدِباً لُحومَ بناتِ قَومٍ
وَهُم تَحتَ التُرابِ أَبو الوَليدِ

6. For the Master, two hundred lashes there are
And for tearing out the eyebrows and cheeks.

٦. وَفي المِئَتَينِ لِلمَولى نَكالٌ
وَفي سَلبِ الحَواجِبِ وَالخُدودِ

7. If He rewards them with the daughters of Chosroes,
Can the servile find any increase?

٧. إِذا كافَأَتَهُم بِبَناتِ كِسرى
فَهَل يَجِدُ المَوالي مِن مَزيدِ

8. By which right, then, can the servile claim
To marry the slave born to the slave?

٨. فَأَيُّ الحَقِّ أَنصَفُ لِلمَوالي
مِن اِصهارِ العَبيدِ إِلى العَبيدِ