
The grieved couldn't sleep, insomnia haunted him,

أرق الحزين وعاده سهده

1. The grieved couldn't sleep, insomnia haunted him,
Due to worries' ghosts that kept visiting him.

١. أَرِقَ الحَزينُ وَعادَهُ سُهُدُه
لِطَوارِقِ الهَمِّ الَّتي تَرِدُه

2. And I remembered the one who burdened my liver,
But he refused, so my liver won't be softened.

٢. وَذَكَرتُ مَن لانَت كَبِدي
فَأَبى فَلَيسَ تَلينُ لي كَبِدُه

3. And he refused, so he won't reside my country,
Never, and he won't fix my homeland's affairs.

٣. وَأَبى فَلَيسَ بِنازِلٍ بَلَدي
أَبَداً وَلَيسَ بِمُصلِحي بَلَدُه

4. So I cracked when he refused his affection,
The one who always cracks glass cracked it.

٤. فَصَدَعتُ حينَ أَبى مَوَدَّتَهُ
صَدَعَ الزُجاجَةِ دائِمٌ أَبَدُه

5. And I knew the birds told the truth,
On the day of the pot - how evil is what it promises!

٥. وَعَرَفتُ أَنَّ الطَيرَ قَد صَدَقَت
يَومَ الكَدانَةِ شَرَّ ما تَعِدُه

6. So be patient, for every being with a lifespan,
Has a day that comes and finishes his count.

٦. فَاِصبِر فَإِنَّ لِكُلِّ ذي أَجَلٍ
يَوماً يَجيءُ فَيَنقَضي عَدَدُه

7. What do you blame your time for when,
The beloved was unfaithful and his negligence befell me?

٧. ماذا تُعاتِبُ مِن زَمانِكَ إِذ
ظَعَنَ الحَبيبُ وَحَلَّ بي كَمَدُه