
You stayed up late for the lightning

أسهرت للبرق الذي

1. You stayed up late for the lightning,
Whose flashes illuminated the night,

١. أُسهِرتَ لِلبَرقِ الَّذي
باتَت لَوامِعُهُ مُنيرَه

2. And you recalled the approach of time
Upon you in a similar splendid state.

٢. وَذَكَرتَ إِقبالَ الزَم
انِ عَلَيكَ في الحالِ النَضيرَه

3. Days when your eyes delighted
In the beloved's presence, a joyful sight,

٣. أَيّامَ عَينُكَ بِالحَبي
بِ وَقُربِهِ عَينٌ قَريرَه

4. Days when you found, wherever you were,
For a lover, a radiant palm.

٤. أَيّامَ تُجدي حَيثُ كُن
تَ لِعاشِقٍ كَفّاً مُنيرَه

5. Between the taverns of youth
And the meadows, the sheepfolds,

٥. ما بَينَ حاناتِ الجُوَي
ثِ إِلى المَطيرَةِ فَالحظيرَه

6. You wandered perplexed, after their company,
In the wretchedness of an inferior lot—

٦. فَغَدَوتَ بَعدَ جِوارِهِم
مُتَحَيِّراً في شَرِّ جيرَه

7. From one who offers his honor
For less than it's worth, an easy connection,

٧. مِن باذِلٍ لِلعِرضِ د
ونَ البَذلِ لِلصِلَةِ اليَسيرَةِ

8. And from a beggar who describes pleasures
While his own soul is a needy thing;

٨. وَبِمُخرِقٍ يَصِفُ السَم
احَ وَنَفسُهُ نَفسٌ فَقيرَه

9. And among mortal sins is the abjection
Of one whose self has grown so vain.

٩. وَمِنَ الكَبائِرِ ذُلُّ مَن
أَضحَت لَهُ نَفسٌ كَبيرَه