
Watering and grazing the island my home

سقيا ورعيا للجزيرة موطنا

1. Watering and grazing the island my home
Its beneficence scattered far and wide

١. سَقياً وَرَعياً لِلجَزيرَةِ مَوطِناً
نَوّارُهُ الخيرِيُّ وَالمَنثورُ

2. You see the spring embrace the violet
As though a guest visiting, feted

٢. وَتَرى البَهارَ مُعانِقاً لِبَنَفسجٍ
فَكَأَنَّ ذلِك زائِرٌ وَمَزورُ

3. As though its narcissi are eyes, all of them
Like saffron, their lids camphor white

٣. وَكَأَنَّ نَرجِسَها عُيونٌ كُلُّها
كَالزَعفَرانِ جُفونُها الكافورُ

4. The souls thrive on its fragrance as though
The taste of syrups savored by outcasts

٤. تَحيا النُفوسُ بِطيبِها فَكَأَنَّها
طَعمُ الرِضابِ يَنالُهُ المَهجورُ