1. I fell ill, and none of my brothers, generous and abundant, visited me in my sickness.
Yet if they fall ill, as days have their judgment, it shall reach both elder and younger.
١. مَرِضتُ فَلَم يَعُدني في شَكاتي
مِنَ الإِخوانِ ذو كَرَمٍ وَفيرِ
2. I rose at daybreak to wine and amusements, and if they die, I shall mourn at their graves.
٢. فَإِن مَرِضوا وَلِلأَيّامِ حُكمٌ
سَيَنفُذُ في الكَبيرِ وَفي الصَغيرِ
٣. غَدَوتُ عَلى المُدامَةِ وَالملاهي
وَإِن ماتوا حَزِنتُ عَلى القُبورِ