1. Shall I make my way to the convent of virgins for a visit
Before death, a path leads to the convent
١. أَلا هَل إِلى دَيرِ العَذارى وَنَظرَةٍ
إِلى الديرِ مِن قَبلِ المَماتِ سَبيلُ
2. Shall I wander intoxicated in the Suq Al-Qadisiyyah
To indulge myself, while the breeze is languid
٢. وَهَل لي بِسوقِ القادِسِيَّةِ سَكرَةٌ
تُعَلِّلُ نَفسي وَالنَسيمُ عَليلُ
3. Shall I pause awhile in the taverns of Al-Matirah
To watch the jars brought out, full to the brim
٣. وَهَل لي بِحاناتِ المَطيرَةِ وَقفَةٌ
أُراعي خُروجَ الزِقِّ وَهوَ حَميلُ
4. To youths whom separation has not divided
United, their motto when morn appears
٤. إِلى فِتيَةٍ ما شَتَّتَ العَذلُ شَملَهُم
شِعارُهُ عِندَ الصَباحِ شُمولُ
5. The bell has sounded after its silence
A priest has lit a candle, its wick alight
٥. وَقَد نَطَقَ الناقوسُ بَعدَ سُكوتِهِ
وِشَمعَلَ قِسّيسٌ وَلاحَ فَتيلُ
6. Seeking to stand up to alcohol, so he claims
Yet addiction makes him waver, about to fall
٦. يُريدُ اِنتِصاباً لِلمُدامِ بِزَعمِهِ
وَيُرعِشُهُ الإِدمانُ فَهوَ يَميلُ
7. He sings though sobriety's reasons aid him
So his words have no match, no equal
٧. يُغَنّي وَأَسبابُ الصَوابِ تُمِدِّهُ
فَلَيسَ لَهُ فيما يَقولُ عَديلُ
8. Shall I make my way to smell the Khuzama and stop to see
The taverns before death, a path to take
٨. أَلا هَل إِلى شَمِّ الخُزامى وَنَظرَةٍ
إِلى قَرقَرى قَبلَ المَماتِ سَبيلُ
9. He sang and sang as he touched his glass
Tears streamed down both his cheeks
٩. وَثَنّى فَغَنّى وَهوَ يَلمِسُ كَأَسَهُ
وَأَدمُعُهُ في وَجنَتَيهِ تَسيلُ
10. He will forget me and our affection
And find after me another friend
١٠. سَيُعرِضُ عَن ذِكري وَيَنسى مَوَدَّتي
وَيَحدُثُ بَعدي لِلخَليلِ خَليلُ
11. May God water a life without attachment
To worries or denial of requests
١١. سَقى اللَهُ عَيشاً لَم يَكُن فيهِ عُلقَةٌ
لِهَمٍّ وَلَم يُنكِر عَلَيهِ عَذولُ
12. By your life, I cannot endure patience for his loss
All patience but His is ugly
١٢. لَعَمرُكَ ما اِستَحمَلتُ صَبراً لِفَقدِهِ
وَكُلُّ اِصطِبارٍ عَن سِواهُ جَميلُ