
My eyes saw in him two sights, as they saw

رأت منه عيني منظرين كما رأت

1. My eyes saw in him two sights, as they saw
The sun and the shining full moon on earth,

١. رَأَت مِنهُ عَيني مَنظَرَينِ كَما رَأَت
مِنَ الشَمسِ وَالبَدرِ المُنيرِ عَلى الأَرضِ

2. In the evening he revived me with a rosebud
As if it were cheeks joined together,

٢. عَشِيَّة حَيّاني بوَردٍ كَأَنَّهُ
خُدودٌ أُضيفَت بَعضُهُن إِلى بَعضِ

3. And he competed with me drinking a cup as if its bubbles
Were my tears when sadness turned away from my eyelids,

٣. وَنازَعَني كَأساً كَأَنَّ حُبابَها
دُموعيَ لما صَدَّ عَن مُقلَتي غُمضي

4. And he went away and the movement of his departure
Was like the movement of a light breeze on a slender branch.

٤. وَراحَ وَفِعلُ الراحِ في حَرَكاتِهِ
كَفِعل نَسيمِ الريحِ بِالغُصُنِ الغَضِّ