
I sacrificed for one who passed us hastily

فديت من مر بنا مسرعا

1. I sacrificed for one who passed us hastily
Hurrying to the monastery with his travels

١. فَدَيتُ مَن مَرَّ بِنا مُسرِعاً
يَسعى إِلى الديرِ بِأَسفارِه

2. I served the Lord of the monastery for his sake
As if I were one of its monks

٢. خَدَمتُ رَبَّ الدَيرِ مِن أَجلِهِ
حَتّى كَأَنّي بَعضُ أَحبارِه

3. He warned me of the hellfire, not knowing what
Was in my heart and gut of its fire

٣. حَذَّرَني النارَ وَلَم يَدرِ ما
في القَلبِ وَالأَحشاءِ مِن نارِه

4. The batting of his eyelids confused me
And undid myknot the knotting of his belt

٤. حَيَّرَني تَفتيرُ أَجفانِهِ
وَحَلَّ عَقدي عَقدُ زُنّارِه