
You have attained a wellbeing no mortal attained

قد نلتم صحة ما نالها بشر

1. You have attained a wellbeing no mortal attained
And obtained a boon no angel obtained

١. قَد نِلتُمُ صِحَّةً ما نالَها بَشَرٌ
وَحُزتُمُ نِعمَةً ما نالَها مَلِكُ

2. Yet I wonder: is it with purpose you spurn
What fortune brought you or did stars whisper their scorn

٢. فَلَيتَ شِعري أَمِقدارٌ تَعَمُّدُكُم
بِما أَتاكُم بِهِ أَم وَسوَسَ الفَلكُ