
Your likeness, o my master, it is time for it to appear

شبيهك يا مولاي قد حان أن يبدو

1. Your likeness, o my master, it is time for it to appear
So would you come at dawn, though in grief you appear

١. شَبيهُكَ يا مَولايَ قَد حانَ أَن يَبدو
فَهَل لَكَ أَن تَغدو وَفي الحُزنِ أَن تَغدو

2. Over Babylonian coffee, musky
In the top of the cup, intertwined

٢. عَلى قَهوَةٍ مِسكِيَّةٍ بابِلِيَّةٍ
لَها في أَعالي الكَأسِ مِن مَزجِها عِقدُ

3. For the bell has disturbed whoever was calm
And the roses breathed their sweet fragrance to us

٣. فَقَد أَزعَجَ الناقوسُ مَن كانَ وادِعاً
وَأَهدى إِلَينا طيبَ أَنفاسِها الوَردُ

4. And this is my dawn, and the sunset, and a bird
On the branch, not knowing whether to chirp or sing

٤. وَهَذي بَزوغى وَالغُروبُ وَطائِرٌ
عَلى الغُصنِ لا يَدري أَيندُبُ أَم يَشدو

5. So he got up, and the remains of worries in his eyelids
And in his chill, a branch where the chill wanders

٥. فَقامَ وَفَضلاتُ الكَرى في جُفونِهِ
وَفي بُردِهِ غُصنٌ يَتيهُ بِهِ البُردُ

6. So I handed him a cup and he hurried to drink it
And I had no choice but to help him

٦. فَناوَلتُهُ كأساً فَأَسرَعَ شُربَها
وَلَم يَكُ لي مِن أَن أُساعِدَهُ بُدُّ

7. So he sang, and the curtains of his drunkenness disappeared
Oh, who can help a youth who is possessed by ecstasy?

٧. فَغَنّى وَقَد غابَت سَماديرُ سُكرِهِ
أَلا مَن لِصَبٍّ قَد تَحَيَّفَهُ الوَجدُ

8. May God water my days with the breadth of Hashim
To the house of tinkling, though the time is old

٨. سَقى اللَهُ أَيّامي بِرَحبَةِ هاشِمٍ
إِلى دارِ شِرشيرٍ وَإِن قَدُمَ العَهدُ

9. For the palace of Ibn Hamdoun to the street
Where we sang and life looks prosperous

٩. فَقَصرُ اِبنِ حَمدونٍ إِلى الشارِعِ الَّذي
غَنينا بِهِ وَالعَيشُ مُقتَبِلٌ رَغدُ

10. Houses that were cozy with sailors
Have become desolate, with no intimacy or love

١٠. مَنازِلُ كانَت بِالمِلاحِ أَنيسَةً
فَأَضحَت وَما فيهِنَّ دَعدٌ وَلا هِندُ

11. So glory to Him who made everything by His command
And predestination, the hands of Sabah, and to Him be praise

١١. فَسُبحانَ مَن أَضحى الجَميعُ بِأَمرِهِ
وَتَقديرِهِ أَيدي سَبا وَلَه الحَمدُ