1. Say to a people among whom there is no wise one,
Beyond their stinginess there is no increase,
١. قُل لِقَومٍ ما فيهِمُ مِن رَشيدِ
لا وَلا فَوقَ بُخلِهِم مِن مَزيدِ
2. You will not attain glory with a bowl of soup,
And a building you have erected as a pillar.
٢. لَن تَنالوا العُلى بِصَحنِ قَديدٍ
وَبِناءٍ بَنَيتُموهُ مَشيدِ
3. And curtains that have been hung, and poems
Of long lines behind an iron door.
٣. وَسُتورٍ قَد عُلِّقَت وَدَهالي
زَ طِوالٍ مِن خَلفِ بابٍ حَديدِ
4. Indeed, virtues are attained with patience,
To demolish sweetmeats and eat dry bread.
٤. إِنَّما تُدرَكُ المَكارِمُ بِالصَ
برِ لِهَدمِ الحَلوى وَأَكلِ الثَريدِ
5. It is not to deter you, detachments of aloofness,
It is blame that makes the hair of the young turn gray,
٥. لَيسَ صَدّي عَنكُم صُدودَ تَجافٍ
هُوَ ذَمٌّ يُشيبُ رَأسَ الوَليدِ
6. With satire every day ready,
And with blame every day renewed.
٦. بِهجاءٍ في كُلِّ يَومٍ عَتيدٍ
وَبِذَمٍّ في كُلِّ يَومٍ جَديدِ
7. Fallen short of the poetry of Jarwal and Labid.
٧. هاكَ خُذها مِن ذي بَيانٍ فَما قَص
صَرَ عَن شِعرِ جَرولٍ وَلَبيدِ