
A friend of mine, of impeccable manners

صديق لي له أدب

1. A friend of mine, of impeccable manners
His friendship suffices me, nothing else matters

١. صَديقٌ لي لَهُ أَدَبُ
صَداقَةُ مِثلِهِ حَسَبُ

2. He cares for me beyond duty's demands
And gives beyond what custom commands

٢. رَعى لي فَوقَ ما يُرعى
وَأَوجَبَ فَوقَ ما يَجِبُ

3. Were his nature assayed and judged
Gold would seem but worthless fudge

٣. وَلَو نُقِدَت خَلائِقُهُ
لَبُهرِجَ عِندَها الذَهَبُ