
Abu Ja'far, you will not attain glory

أبا جعفر لا تنال العلا

1. Abu Ja'far, you will not attain glory
By jesting in a crowded gathering,

١. أَبا جَعفَرٍ لا تَنالُ العُلا
بِتيهِكَ في المَجلِسِ الحاشِدِ

2. Nor with a young man like a full moon
Mounted on a supple bough,

٢. وَلا بِغُلامٍ كَبَدرِ التَما
مِ رُكِّبَ في غُصُنٍ مائِدِ

3. Nor with visitors when they come
Like a thought that flashes through the mind of the hunter.

٣. وَلا بِازيارَ إِذا ما أَتا
كَ يَخطِرُ بِالذَّرِّ وَالصائِدِ

4. So how can you have anyone who thanks you
And how can you have anyone who praises you?

٤. فَكَيفَ وَما لَكَ من شاكِرٍ
وَكَيفَ وَما لَكَ من حامِدِ

5. Do you remember when you were under adversity
Alone without a single dirham?

٥. أَتَذكُرُ إِذ أَنتَ تَحتَ الزَمانِ
وَحيدٌ بِلا دِرهَمٍ واحِدِ