1. And your love, my lady faithful
Came with guidance shedding what you wish
١. وَحُبِّكَ يَا سَيِّدَتِي أَمِينَهْ
جَاءَ مِنَ الهُدَى بِمَا تَبْغِينَهْ
2. In a living example making you immortal
Stirring the sorrow of depressed souls
٢. فِي مَثَلٍ حَيٍّ تُخَلِّدِينَهْ
يُثِيرُ شَجوَ الأَنْفُسِ الرَّزِينَهْ
3. And making tears flow profusely
Berenti was once a poor family
٣. وَيَسْتَدِرُّ الأَدْمُعَ السَّخِينَهْ
كَانَتْ برنتي أُسْرَةً مِسْكِينَهْ
4. Glorious, exhausted, sad
Of upright, steadfast morals
٤. مَجِيدَةً مُرْهَقَةً حَزِينَهْ
أَخْلاقُهَا قَوِيمةٌ مَكِينَهْ
5. But she did not know peace
Nor contentment she was intimate with
٥. لَكِنَّهَا لَمْ تَعْرِفِ السَّكِينَهْ
ولا رِضاً كَانَتْ بِهِ قَمِينَهْ
6. Her brilliance as you picturize it
Took her far, wrecking the ship
٦. نبُوغُهَا كَمَا تُصَوِّرِينَهْ
شَذَّ بِهَا فَحَطَّم السَّفِينَهْ
7. You described her truthfully, faithfully
In a solid, coherent story
٧. وَصَفْتِهَا صَادِقَةً أَمِينَهْ
فِي قِصَّةٍ مُحْكَمَةٍ رَصِينَهْ
8. Her language eloquent, clear
Her wisdom sound, robust
٨. لغَتُهَا فَصِيحَةٌ مُبِينَهْ
حِكْمَتُهَا وَاعِظَةٌ مَتِينَهْ
9. And that, my lady faithful
Is a precious, new achievement
٩. وَتِلْكَ يَا سَيِّدَتِي أَمِينَهْ
مَأْثَرَةٌ جدِيدَةٌ ثَمِينَهْ
10. Of what you spend on days
Of Egypt from an effort you do not tire of
١٠. مِمَّا عَلَى الأَيَّامِ تَبْذُلِينَهْ
لِمِصْرَ مِنْ جُهْدٍ فَمَا تَأْلِينَهْ
11. And Egypt's pride that she is a city
Of what you say and do
١١. وَفَخْرُ مِصْرَ أَنَّهَا مَدِينَهْ
بِمَا تَقُولِينَ وَتَفْعَلِينَهْ
12. And innovate and convey
To an ascending generation you renew
١٢. وَتُبْدِعِينَه وَتَنْقُلِينَهْ
لِمُرْتَقَى جِيلٍ تُجَدِّدِينَهْ
13. You explained to village and town
What latent treasure in them lies
١٣. بَيَّنْت لِلْقَرْية وَالمَدِينَهْ
مَا بِهِمَا من قدره كَمِينَهْ
14. If their hidden wealth surfaces
Women are not just forms of decoration
١٤. إِنْ جُلِيتْ كُنُوزُهَا الدَّفِينَهْ
لَيْسَ النِّسَاءُ صُوَراً لِلزِّينَهْ
15. They are the helping, assisting forces
How successful is the matter put in their care
١٥. هُنَّ القُوَى المُسْعِفَةُ المُعِينَهْ
مَا أَنْجَحَ الشَّأْنَ الَّذِي يلِينَهْ
16. How reformed the youth they raise
You have done well, my lady faithful
١٦. مَا أَصْلَحَ النَّشْءَ الَّذِي يَبنِينَهْ
أَحْسَنْتِ يَا سَيِّدَتِي أَمِينَهْ