1. Abdul Aziz, chief of the noblest family
It is pride enough for you to be its chief
١. عَبْدَ العَزِيزِ عَمِيدَ أَكْرَمِ أُسْرَةٍ
وَكَفَاكَ فَخْراً أَنْ تَكُونَ عَمِيدَهَا
2. To be the full moon amid its stars
And peerless if excellence enumerates its number
٢. وَتَكُونَ بَدْرَ التَّمِّ بَيْنَ نُجُومِهَا
وَالفَرْدَ إِنْ عَدَّ الفَخَارُ عَدِيدَهَا
3. This misfortune that has befallen is not just hers
It has encompassed both near and distant lands
٣. لَيْسَ المُصَابُ مُصَابَهَا بِكَ وَهْوَ قَدْ
شَمَلَ البِلادَ قَرِيبَهَا وَبَعِيدَهَا
4. A family honoured, whose glory remains untarnished
Its enemies find no defect to censure
٤. هِيَ أُسْرَةٌ كَرُمَتْ مَهَزَتْهَا وَلَمْ
يَغْمُزْ مَنَافِرُهَا بِلُؤْمِ عَوْدَهَا
5. You approved what loyalty desired in it
And praised what affection and its friends desired
٥. أَحْمَدْتَ مَا شَاءَ الوَفَاءُ فِيهَا
وَحَمَدْتَ مَا شَاءَ الودَادُ وَدُودَهَا
6. And you saw, among its excellent sons
A pearl, adorned by the necklace of merit
٦. وَرَأَيْتَ فِي النُّجَبَاءِ مِنْ أبْنَائِهَا
دُرّاً تُقَلِّدُهُ المَنَاقِبُ جِيدُهَا
7. Refinement knows, in its subtle ways
To reveal itself to the eminent and make known its generosity
٧. تَدْرِي الكِنَانَةُ بِأَسَهَا فِي نَفْحِهَا
عَنْهَا لَدَى الجُلَّى وَتَعْرُفُ جُودَهَا
8. So when affairs grew grave, it summoned
Its wise statesmen and hunters
٨. فَإِذَا تَعَاظَلَتِ الشُّؤُونُ دَعَتْ لَهَا
فُطَنَاءهَا المُتَصَرِّفِينَ وَصِيدَهَا
9. Abdul Aziz, the one resorted to for aid
To defend its interests and increase them
٩. عَبْدَ العَزيزِ المُسْتَعَانِ بِأَيدِهِ
لِيَذُودَ عَنْ أَحْسَابِهَا وَيَزيدَهَا
10. You fulfilled what it expected of you with determination
The likes of which this young generation has not witnessed
١٠. حَقَّقْتَ مَا رَجَّتْهُ فِيكَ بِهِمَّةٍ
لَمْ يَشْهَدِ الجِيلُ الحَدِيثُ نَدِيدَهَا
11. You surmount the difficulties of affairs, so you do not waver
Until your ambitions run their course
١١. تَرْتَاضُ مَصْعَبَةَ الأُمُورِ فَمَا تَنِي
حَتَّى تُجَارِي فِي مَرَامِكَ قُودَهَا
12. Those strengths, were it not for confronting adversity
The harsh events of time would not have revealed
١٢. تِلْكَ القِوَى لَوْلا مُغَالَبَةِ الرَّدَى
لَمْ تُوهِ أَحْدَاثَ الزَّمَانِ شَدِيدَهَا
13. You exhausted them hastily in seeking exaltation
And met your death in the prime of youth
١٣. أَفْنَيْتَهَا عَجْلانَ فِي طَلَبِ العُلَى
وَقَضَيْتَ فِي شَرْخِ الشَّبَابِ شَهِيدَهَا
14. So just as Egypt’s cedars wept for their departed dear one
Excellence and knowledge wept for their departed dear one
١٤. فَكَمَا بَكَى سَرَوَاتُ مِصْرَ فَقِيدَهُمْ
بَكَتِ الفَضَائِلُ وَالعُلُومُ فَقِيدَهَا