
A newborn, the well-wishers called for her

وليدة دعا المحيون بأن

1. A newborn, the well-wishers called for her
To live, and may her family live for years

١. وَلِيدَةٌ دَعَا المُحَيُّونَ بِأَنْ
تَحْيَا وَيَحْيَا آلُهَا سِنِينَا

2. The eyes of glory settled in her history
The precious infant, Madelina

٢. قَرَّتْ عُيُونُ المَجْدِ فِي تَارِيخِهَا
الطِّفْلَةُ الغَرَّاءُ مَادلِينَا