
O blossom molded from trunks

يا مزهرا صيغ من جذوع

1. O blossom molded from trunks
That bent and pressed with gentle squeeze

١. يَا مَزْهَراً صِيغَ مِنْ جُذًُوعٍ
رَقَّتْ وَضُمَّتْ ضَمَّ الصَّوَانِ

2. You have not forgotten what you entrusted in them
Of the melodies of the birds of paradise

٢. لَمْ تَنْسَ مَا أَوْدَعْتَهُ فِيهَا
مِنْ نَغَمَاتِ طَيْرِ الجَنَانِ

3. So the tune is a profound secret within
And it is vigilant over its secret

٣. فَاللَّحْنُ سِرٌّ بِهَا دَفِينٌ
وَهْيَ عَلَى سِرِّهَا حَوَانِ

4. If the strings awaken it, it returns
Those melodies in affection

٤. إِنْ بَعَثَتْهَا الأَوْتَارُ رَدَّتْ
تِلْكَ الأَغَارِيدَ فِي حَنَانِ

5. No sadder sound than that of the lute
Alas for it, it is a forlorn lute

٥. لا صَوْتَ أَشْجَى مِنْ صَوْتِ عُودٍ
كَيْفَ بِهِ وَهْوَ عُودُ هَانِي