
This caravan's prayer that you immortalized

دعاء هذا الكروان الذي

1. This caravan's prayer that you immortalized
To the hearing of time

١. دَعاءُ هَذا الكَرَوانِ الَّذِي
خلَّدْتَهُ فِي مَسْمَعِ الدَّهْرِ

2. Has an echo in the heart and mind
Of the most delicious delights of heart and mind

٢. لَهُ صَدىً فِي القَلْبِ وَالفِكْرِ مِن
أَشْهَى مَتاعِ القَلبِ والفِكْرِ

3. But it is saddening in its repetition
Of what happened in that wasteland

٣. لَكِنَّه مُشْجٍ بِترْجِيعِهِ
لِمَا جَرَى فِي ذِلكَ القَفْرِ

4. When the desert rests languidly and nothing throbs
Except the ardour of the journey

٤. إِذْ تَسْكُنُ البَيْدَاءُ وَهْناً فمَا
يَنبِضُ إِلاِّ مُهَجُ السَّفرِ

5. And the night in its boundless aberration
Closes its eyelids over responsibility

٥. واللَّيْلُ فِي التِّيهِ السَّحِيقِ المَدى
يُطبِقُ جَفنَيْهِ عَلى وِزْرِ

6. And the terrified bird in its expanse
Warns of the tragedy in panic

٦. وَالطَّائِرُ المرتاع فِي جَوِّهِ
يُنْذِر بِالمَأْسَاةِ فِي ذُعرِ

7. It twitters like the arrows that were shot
Where they were shot with red flames

٧. يُرِنُّ إِرْنانَ سِهَامٍ رَمَتْ
حَيْثُ رَمَتْ بِالشُّعلِ الحمْرِ

8. My tears flowed for the misfortunes of a slain woman
Murdered in the prime of her life

٨. أَسالَ دَمْعِي خَطبُ مَطلُولَةٍ
مَقْتولَةٍ فِي زَهْرَةِ العُمْرِ

9. A deluded man attacked her thinking
He was avenging honour and purity

٩. جَنى عَليْهَا وَاهِمٌ أَنَّهُ
يَثْأَرُ لِلِعرْضِ وَلِلطُّهرِ

10. And a regret that gripped me gripped
The witnesses of that heinous murder

١٠. وخامَرتنِي حَسْرةٌ خامَرَتْ
شهودَ ذاك المَصْرعِ النُّكرِ

11. Do not souls have in their diffusion
Bonds beyond what we know?

١١. أَليْسَ لِلأَرواحِ فِي بَثِّها
أَوَاصِرٌ مِنْ حَيْثُ لاَ تدْرِي

12. Their essence is individual and their feelings
Are shared in harm and benefit

١٢. جوْهرُها فَرْدٌ وإِحْسَاسُهَا
مشْترَكٌ فِي النَّفعِ وَالضُّرِّ

13. An incident occurred in the Egyptian countryside
And many like it happen in the countryside

١٣. حادِثة فِي رِيفِ مِصْرٍ جَرَتْ
وَمِثْلها فِي الرِّيفِ كم يَجْرِي

14. Wonderful stories were told to us
In words purer than drops of rain

١٤. قُصتْ عَليْنا قَصَصاً شائِقاً
فِي كَلِمٍ أَنقَى مِنَ القطْرِ

15. Told in a way that was more effective on the soul
Than wine

١٥. مَسْرودَةً سَرْداً عَلى صفوِهِ
أَفعلَ فِي النفْسِ مِنَ الْخَمْرِ

16. Oh Arabic tongue that revealed
Its secrets and preserved its mysteries

١٦. يَا لُغَةَ العُرْب الَّتِي كاشَفَتْ
طهَ بِمَا صَانَت مِن السرِّ

17. From which garden can the likes of what
It harvested from your fresh flowers be gathered

١٧. مِنْ أَيِّ رَوضٍ يجنى مِثلُ مَا
جناه مِن أَزْهَارِكِ النُّضرِ

18. From which sea hunting for its pearls
Can what it hunted of pearls be hunted

١٨. مِن أَي بَحْرٍ وَالمُنى دُرُّهُ
يُصَادُ مَا صَاد مِن الدُّرِّ

19. From which ingots in the thick of jewelry
Can what it forged of ingots be forged?

١٩. مِن أَي تِبْرٍ فِي غوَالِي الحِلى
يصَاغُ مَا صَاغَ مِن التِّبرِ

20. Verses of Taha were revealed with guidance
Borrowing the sorcery of magic

٢٠. آيَات طهَ نُزلتْ بِالهُدَى
فِيمَ اسْتعَارَتْ فِتنةَ السِّحرِ

21. The newest thing Turafa brought
A wonder in the literature of the age

٢١. أَحْدَثُ مَا جَاءَتْ بِهِ طُرفَة
بَدِيعَةٌ فِي أَدَبِ العَصْرِ

22. It stirred the imagination of poetry in an image
That made prose jealous of poetry

٢٢. جَلتْ خَيَالَ الشعْرِ فِي صُورَةٍ
أَغارَتِ الشِّعرَ مِن النَّثرِ