
And His mercy upon a people who parted from blessings

وارحمتاه لقوم فارقوا النعما

1. And His mercy upon a people who parted from blessings
Without sin of theirs, and met with wrath

١. وَارَحْمَتَاهُ لِقَومٍ فَارَقوا النِّعَمَا
مِنْ غَيْرِ ذَنْبٍ لَهُمْ وَاسْتَقْبَلُوا النِّقَمَا

2. Rulers of their livelihood turned away, so they did not come back
And left them naked, hungry, wronged

٢. وُلاةُ أَرْزَاقِهِمْ وَلَّوْا فَمَا رَجَعُوا
وَغَادَرُوهُمْ عُرَاةً جُوَّعاً هُضُمَا

3. Their elders, young women, and children
All tasted the weaning of oppression and orphanhood

٣. شُيُوخُهُمْ وَعَذَارَاهُمْ وَصِبْيَتُهُمُ
ذَاقُوا جَمِيعاً فِطَامَ القَهْرِ وَاليَتَمَا

4. If an onlooker were to watch over them, he would see
Pieces of sorrow shredded with every fever

٤. فَلَوْ تَرَقَّبَهُمْ مُسْتَطْلِعٌ لَرَأَى
أَشْلاءَ حُزْنٍ مُشَظَّاةً بِكُلِّ حِمَى

5. Were it not for the cheer of faith that gives them steadfastness
They would have chosen annihilation over that life

٥. لَوْلا بَشَاشَةُ إِيمَانٍ تُثَبِّتُهُمْ
تَخَيَّرُوا دُونَ تِلْكَ العِيشَةِ العَدَمَا

6. What is the state of a mother who has a baby beside her
With no food but tears during her days?

٦. مَا حَالُ أُمٍّ لَهَا طِفْلٌ بِجَانِبِهَا
غَيْرَ المَدَامِعِ فِي يَوْمَيْهِ مَا طُعِمَا

7. And suckling babes who found the teats scathing
Like embers, so they weaned and deemed the dream impossible

٧. وَرُضَّعٍ وَجَدُوا الأَثْدَاءَ لاذِعَةً
كَالجَمْرِ فَانْفَطَمُوا وَاسْتَنْكَرُوا الحَلَمَا

8. And singers whom hardships made permissible, so if
The soul were not protected, destitution would have a protected refuge

٨. وَغَانِيَاتٍ أَبَاحَتْهَا الخُطُوبُ فَلَوْ
لَمْ تُعْصَمِ النَّفْسُ سَاءَ الفَقْرُ مُعْتَصَمَا

9. And the helpless when needs burdened them
The shackles of nights incapacitated their resolves

٩. وَعَاجِزِينَ إِذَا لحَاجَاتُ ثُرْنَ بِهِمْ
عَاقَتْ قُيُودُ اللَّيَالِي مِنْهُمُ الهِمَمَا

10. Like those near dead but for visions that terrify them
And terrifying dreams cannot restore vigor

١٠. أَشْبَاهُ مَوْتَى سِوَى رُؤْيَا تُرَوِّعُهُمْ
وَرَائِعَاتُ الرُّؤْى لا تَبْعَثُ الرِّمَمَا

11. Those are the people of one who was generous with himself
And left them in their homelands, liable

١١. أَولُئِكُمْ أهلُ مَنْ جَادُوا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ
وَخَلَّفُوهُمْ عَلَى أَوْطَانِهِمْ ذِمَمَا

12. They complained to Egypt of their suffering, so she listened
And whoever complains to Egypt invokes benevolence

١٢. شَكَوا إِلَى مِصْرَ مَا عَانُوهُ فَاسْتَمَعَتْ
وَمَنْ شَكَا فَدَعَا مِصْراً دَعَا الكَرَمَا

13. She gave with what embarrassed the gushing currents
And pouring clouds and accompanying rain

١٣. جَادَتْ بِمَا أَخجَلَ التَّيَّارَ مُنْدَفِقاً
وَالسُّحْبُ هَاطِلَةً وَالْغَيْثُ مُنْسَجِمَا

14. God’s gift are her noble children, for when
They set out to give, they outdid all nations

١٤. للهِ دَرُّ بَنِيهَا الأَسْخِيَاءِ فَهُمْ
إِذَا انْبَرَوْا للنَّدَى بَزُّوا بِهِ الأُمَمَا

15. Abbas is their role model, and they his followers
Like the head and body, excellent companions they are

١٥. عَبَّاسُ قُدْوَتُهُمْ فِيهِ وَهُمْ تَبَعٌ
كَالرَّأْسِ وَالجِسْمِ نِعْمَ الصَّاحِبَانِ هُمَا

16. God protected the king whose sole ambition
Is to elevate truth and reveal the clouds

١٦. رَعَى الإِلهُ مَلِيكاً جُلُّ بُغْيَتِهِ
أَنْ يُعْلِي الحَقَّ أَوْ أَنْ يَكْشِفَ الغُمَمَا

17. When glories grow great, its attainer
You see above the highest points of virtue made great

١٧. إِذَا تَعَاظَمَتِ الجُلَّى فَنَائِلُهُ
تَرَاهُ فَوْقَ مَرَامِي الفَضْلِ قَدْ عَظُمَا

18. And praise rewarded the mother of benefactors with what
She initiated, so it overwhelmed the Arabs and non-Arabs

١٨. وَكَافَأَ الحَمْدُ أُمَّ المُحْسِنِينَ بِمَا
أَولَتْ فَأَغْلَتْ فَرَاعَ العُرْبَ وَالعَجَمَا

19. She conferred upon eternity a fragrance from her noble deeds
That aromates existence, souls, and zephyr

١٩. أَلْقَتْ عَلَى الدَّهْرِ ذِكْراً مِنْ عَوَارِفِهَا
يُعَطِّرُ الْكَوْنَ وَالأَرْوَاحَ وَالنَّسَمَا

20. It is gallantry to give and loyalty to fulfill
And her crest is veiled bliss and a smile

٢٠. هِيَ المُرُوءةُ تُعْطِي وَالوَفَاءُ يَفِي
وَرَسْمُهَا السَّعْدُ مَحْجُوباً وَمُبْتَسِمَا

21. She lived and settled with her two feet and her nation
Freely given andfortunately gained bliss

٢١. عَاشَتْ وَقَرَّتْ بِنَجْلَيْهَا وَأُمَّتِهّا
وَبِالسرُورَينِ مَبْذُولاً وَمَغْتَنَمَا

22. So may Egypt live! For she remains as she was known
A refuge for her seekers, succor for the anguished

٢٢. وَلْتَحْيَ مِصْرُ فَمَا زَالَتْ كَمَا عُهِدَتْ
كَهْفاً لِقَاصِدِهَا غَوْثاً لِمَنْ أُزِمَا

23. She tended to every distraught soul with her mercy
And God shows mercy to those who showed mercy in both abodes.

٢٣. تَنَاوَلَتْ كُلَّ مَلْهُوفٍ بِرَحْمَتِهَا
وَاللهُ يَرحَمُ فِي الدَّارَيْنِ مَنْ رَحِمَا