1. The best jewelry is from refinement and purity
And from intelligence among the girls of the age
١. خَيْرُ الحِلَى مِنْ أدَبٍ وَطُهْرِ
وَمِنْ ذَكَاءٍ فِي بَنَاتِ العَصْرِ
2. The jewelry of girls brought up in the bosom of Lebanon
Bless them, oh Lord, from among the girls
٢. حِلَى البَنَاتِ فِي رُبَى لُبْنَانِ
لِلهِ دَرُّهُنَّ مِنْ بَنَاتِ
3. They gathered from the finest of adornments
The most beautiful with which the beauties adorn themselves
٣. جَمَعْنَ مِنْ رَوَائِعِ الزِّينَاتِ
أجْمَلَ مَا تَحْلَى بِهِ الغَوَانِي
4. They are the hope of the new homeland
And they are the light of the coming time
٤. هُنَّ رَجَاءُ الوَطَنِ الجَدِيدِ
وَهُنَّ نُورُ الزَّمَنِ العَتِيدِ
5. Shining splendidly over the times
They fulfill the duty no matter how difficult
٥. يَسْطَعُ مُشْرِفاً عَلَى الأزْمَانِ
يَقمْنَ بِالوَاجِبِ مَهْمَا صَعُبَا
6. And they do not fail to achieve any goal
Through which the strength of civilization is valued
٦. وَلاَ يُضِعْنَ فِي الحَيَاةِ مَطْلبَا
بِهِ تَعِزُّ قُوِّةُ العُمْرَانِ
7. Each cares for herself, her body
With wisdom and knowledge
٧. كُلٍّ لَهَا بِنَفْسِهَا وَالجِسْمِ
عِنَايَةٌ عَنْ حِكْمَةٍ وَعِلْمِ
8. Completing her beauty beautifully
She does not scorn any free work
٨. تُتِمُّهَا فَحْسُنُهَا حُسْنَانِ
لاَ تَزْدَرِي حُرًّا مِنَ الأَعْمَالِ
9. And her time filled with chores
Has room for the noblest benevolence
٩. وَوَقْتُهَا المَمْلُوءُ بِالأَشْغَالِ
مُتَّسِعٌ لأَشْرَفِ الإحْسَانِ
10. After the full right of home
Comes the right of beauty and attire
١٠. فَبَعْدَ حَقِّ البَيْتِ بِالتَّمَامِ
وَيَعْدَ حَقِّ الحُسْنِ وَالهِنْدَامِ
11. The right of the weak among human beings
Oh her nice plan, O beautiful lady
١١. حَقُّ الضِّعَافِ مِنْ بَني الإنْسَانِ
يَا حُسْنَهَا مِنْ خُطَّةٍ نَبِيلَةْ
12. Who starts her morning as a queen and an angel in one
We are the vanguard of defenders volunteering
١٢. تَغْدُو بِهَا الآنِسّةُ الجَمِيلَهْ
مَلِيكَةً وَمَلَكاً فِي آنِ
13. Responding when glory calls
And guides of its brave soldiers
١٣. إنَّا طَلِيعَةُ الحِمَى تَطَوَّعَا
مُلَبِّيَاتٌ مَجْدِهِ إذَا دَعَا
14. We are the preparers of receptions
We are the creators of independence
١٤. وَمُرْشِدَاتُ جُنْدِهِ الشُّجْعَانِ
نَحْنُ مُهَيِّئَاتُ الاِسْتِقْبَالِ
15. Homes are images of homelands
١٥. نَحْنُ مُنَشِّئَاتُ الاِسْتِقْلاَلِ
إنَّ البُيُوتَ صُوَرُ الأَوْطَانِ