
For your unfair neighbor's eyes

لعينيك من جارة جائره

1. For your unfair neighbor's eyes
My misfortunes and dashed hopes,

١. لِعَيْنَيْكِ مِنْ جَارَةٍ جَائِرَهْ
شَقائِي وَآمَالِي العَاثِرَهْ

2. Do you shun me and spurn me
To please a scheming group?

٢. أَتَنْأَيْنَ عَنِّي وَتَجْفِيْنَنِي
لإِرْضَاءِ طَائِفَةٍ مَاكِرَهُ

3. We are innocent of love, no sin of mine
Nor of my fleeing beloved,

٣. بَرِئْنَا إِلي الحُبِّ لا ذَنْبَ لِي
وَلا لِحَبِيبَتِي الهَاجِرَهْ

4. But they taught her aloofness
And plotted for her a juvenile scheme,

٤. وَلَكِنَّهُمْ عَلَّمُوهَا الجَفَا
ءَ وَخَطُّوا لَهَا خُطَّةَ القَاصِرَهْ

5. And heeded idle gossip about her
Far be it from her, she is innocent,

٥. وَأَصْغُوا إِلَى قَوْلٍ وَاشٍ بِهَا
وَحَاشَ لَهَا أَنَّها وَازِرَهْ

6. Is that forehead and its sheen
Where her thoughts shine?

٦. أَذَاكَ الجَبِينُ وَبِلَّوْرُهُ
يُمَثِّلُ فِكْرَتَهَا الخَاطِرَهْ

7. Are those eyes and their lights
Rivaling her splendid morals?

٧. أَتِلْكَ العُيُونُ وَأَنْوَارُهَا
مَراءٍ لأَخْلاقِها البَاهِرَهْ

8. Are those lips that never kissed
Except a mother and visiting aunt?

٨. أَتِلْكَ الشِّفَاهُ وَمَا قَبَّلَتْ
هَا سِوَى الأُمِّ وَاللِّدَةِ الزَّائِرَهْ

Is that figure which swaying branches

٩. أَذَاكَ القَوَامُ وَمِنْ حُسْنِهِ
تَمِيلُ الغُصونُ لَهُ صَاغِرَهْ

10. Bow to out of humility?
Is that childhood, pride of a garden

١٠. أَتِلْكَ الطُّفُولَةُ وَهْيَ سِيا
جٌ لِرَوْضٍ بِهِ نَفْسُهَا طَائِرَهْ

11. Where her soul freely flies?
Is that chastity, so immaculate

١١. أَذَاكَ العفَافُ وَمِما صَفَا
تَقَرُّ بِهِ المُقَلُ النَّاظِرَهْ

12. The admiring glance settles on?
Charms of sin and morals of vice,

١٢. مَحاسِن بَغْيٍ وَأَخْلاقُ إِثْمٍ
وَزِينَةُ عَاطِلَةٍ فَاجِرَهْ

13. Finery of an immoral woman,
By my life! They accused you

١٣. لَعَمْرِي إِنَّهُمُ اتَّهَمُو
كِ بِمَا فِي نُفُوسِهِمُ الخَاسِرَهْ

14. Of what festers in their losing souls,
He who blamed your purity

١٤. وَإِنَّ الَّذِي عَابَ مِنْكِ السُّفُو
رَ كَمَنْ قَالَ لِلشَّمْسِ يَا سَافِرَهْ

15. Is like one who calls the sun a wanderer,
And I love you with all my eyes

١٥. وَإِنِّي أَهْوَاكِ مِلْءَ عُيُو
نِي وَمِلْءَ حُشَاشَتِيَ الصَّابِرهْ

16. And all my patient passion,
And all of time, and all of space

١٦. وَمِلْءَ الزَّمَانِ وَمِلْءَ المَكَا
نِ وَدُنْيَايَ أَجْمَعَ والاخِرَهْ

17. And all my life and afterlife,
If passion brings you back to me

١٧. فَإِنْ يَسْتَمِلْكِ إِلَيَّ الهَوَى
وَعَيْنُ العفَافِ لَنَا خَافِرَهْ

18. And the eye of virtue keeps guard,
Is not passion the spirit of existence

١٨. أَلَيْسَ الهَوَى رُوحَ هَذَا الوُجُو
دِ كَمَا شَاءَتِ الحِكْمَةُ الفَاطِرَهْ

19. As the Wise Creator intended?
So two essences converge

١٩. فَيجْتَمِعُ الجَوْهَرُ المُسْتَدَق
بِآخَرَ بَيْنَهُمَا آصِرَهْ

20. And bond intimately,
The atom, though hidden, configures

٢٠. وَيَأْتَلِفُ الذَّرُّ وَهْوَ خَفِيٌّ
فَيَمْثلُ فِي الصُّوَرِ الظَّاهِرَهْ

21. Into visible forms,
The soil cradles the seed

٢١. وَيَحْتَضِن التُّرْبُ حَبَّ البِذَار
رِ فَيَرْجِعُهُ جَنَّةً زَاهِرَهْ

22. And returns it a blooming garden,
Are not the stars like scattered pearls

٢٢. وَهَذِي النجُومُ أَلَيْسَتْ كَدرٍّ
طَوَافٍ عَلَى أَبْحُرٍ زَاخِرَهْ

23. Revolving forever on swelling seas,
Chains linked by love, each to its orbit

٢٣. عُقُودٌ مُنَثرَةٌ بِانْتِظَا
مٍ عَلَى نَفْسِهَا أَبَداً دَائِرَهْ

24. Is bound and directed?
O Hind! My wish, object of my passion

٢٤. يُقَيِّدُهَا الحُبُّ بَعْضاً وَكُ
لٌّ إِلَى صِنْوِهَا صَائِرَهْ

25. And mistress of my heart and soul,
To you I incline and you I desire

٢٥. فَيَا هِنْدُ مُنَى مُهْجَتِي
ونَاهِية القَلْبِ والآمِرَهْ

26. With an overwhelming love,
Where is the blemish they blame

٢٦. إِلَيْكِ أَمِيلُ وَإِيَّاكِ أَبْغِي
بِعَاطِفَةٍ فِي الهَوى قَاهِرَهْ

27. On our pure natural bond?

٢٧. وَمَا ثُمَّ عَيبٌ نُعَابُ بِهِ
مَعاذٌ صَبَابَتِنَا الطَّاهِرَهْ