1. Is my poetry worthy when you are what I desire to describe
In solitary words of your state that rise high
هَلْ لِشعْري وَأَنْتَ منْهُ مُرَادي
2. Every praise I see in you seems too little
And much my heart needs to express to satisfy
٢. وَصْفُ حَالَيْكَ منْ عَلَى وَانْفرَاد
كُلُّ مَدْحٍ أَرَاهُ فيكَ قَليلاً
3. A novice's flawed attempt are all my efforts
Relying on parts of its range is my dependence
٣. وَكَثيرٌ مَا يَقْتَضيني فُؤادي
خطَّةُ غَيْر بَالغٍ كل جَهْدي
4. So let your perfect generosity be my excuse
For accepting excuses is the way of the generous
٤. بَعْضُ شَيءٍ منْ شَوْطهَا اعْتمَادي
فَلْيَكُنْ منْ تَمَام جَوْدكَ عُذْري
5. O faithful keeper, by the right
Of the most high from Taariq that shone bright
٥. فَقَبُولُ الأَعْذَار شَأْنُ الجَّوَّاد
أَيُّهَا الحاَفظُ الأَمينُ بحَقٍّ
6. We've come, pilgrims of the most generous house
And prayed, followers of the most noble place
٦. للمَعَالي منْ طَارقَ وَتَلاَد
قَدْ وَفَدْنَا حُجيجُ أَكْرَمَ بَيْتٍ
7. It seeks no glory or finest decor
That the hands have generously endowed
٧. وَاعْتَمَرْنَا نُؤُمُ أَشْرَف نَاد
لاَ يَقْصدُ البِنَّاءِ فَخْماً وَلاَ
8. Nor the lasting glory of great ancestors
And forefathers of high morals who lived proud
٨. الزِّينَةَ أَبْهَى مَا جَوَّدَتْهَا الأَيَادي
لاَ وَلاَ الْمَجْدُ بَاقياً عَنْ كبَار
9. Rather we endured the hardships for the sake of
Virtues, chivalry, dignity and good deeds of aid
٩. من كرام الآبَاءِ وَالأَجْدَاد
إِنَّمَا شَاقَنَا لقَاءُ المَعَالي
10. In a resolute, bold, valorous young man
Loyal and honest fulfilling his word as he said
١٠. وَالمُرُوءَاتُ وَالنَّدَى وَالأَيَادي
في فَتىً حَازمٍ جَريءٍ هُمَامٍ
11. Were he shaken one day by adversity
He would shake adversity with his iron will
١١. ثَابتِ العَهْد صَادق الْميعَادِ
تقفُ لَوْ هَزَّهُ الخَطْبُ يَوْماً
12. Steadfast in nights of struggle with strong spirit
Fair of face against the darkest perils
١٢. هَزَ لدْناً منَ القَنا المَياد
رَاسخِ العَزْم في كفاح الليَالي
13. A shelter for the helpless orphan seeking refuge
And shining beacon for people seeking the right road
١٣. بَاسمِ الوَجْه في قُطُوب الْعَوَادي
مُؤمل المُسْتَجير كهْف اليَتامَى
14. Wherever the lands call him for his goodness
Truth rings in his voice and his sword strikes with might
١٤. وَالأْيَامي مَنارَة الرُّوَّاد
حَيْثُمَا تَدْعُهُ الدِّيَارُ بحسْنها
15. And he counters with an opinion defeating the enemies
Many sound views prevailed over armies
١٥. صَوْتُ حَقِّ منْهُ وَسَيْفُ جَلاَّد
وَيَجْبها رَأْيٌ يُزلُ عَدَاهَا
16. What blind guarantor when asked who
Among the people on the day of cries for aid
١٦. رُبَّ رَأْيٍ أَغْزَى منَ الأجْناد
أَيُّ كَفيلٍ أَعْمَى إِذَا قيلَ مَنْ
17. Some of those traits in but a few people
Would suffice for the whole country's needs
١٧. فِي الْقَوْم يَومَ الَّذي وَيَومَ التَّنَاد
بَعْضُ تلْكَ الخلاَل في نَفَرٍ مَهْ
18. And through you the supreme rank is attained
By one who perfectly followed guidance and reason
١٨. مَا يُقلوا كفَايَةً للْبلاَد
وَبهَا يَدْركُ المَقَامَ الْمُعَلَّى
19. That is enough for the young man, position and home
And tale lasting for eternity unfaded
١٩. مَنْ بكَ أَتَمَّ عَنْ هُدَى وَرَشَاد
تلْكَ حَسْب الفَتَى مَقَاماً وَبَيْتاً
20. Live long in joy and serenity
Safe, content, high of pillar and foundation
٢٠. وَحَديثاً يَبْقَى عَلَى الابَاد
عشْ طَويلاً في غبْطة وَصَفاءٍ
21. Let your vast chest swell with pride
For his worth ever increases through your provision
٢١. سَالماً نَاعماً رَفيع العماد
وَلْيَزنْ صَدْركَ الرَّحيب وَسَامٌ
22. He surpassed his peers and they lost sight of him
As he came forth peerless, without contenders
٢٢. بَاتَ فيه وَقَدْرُهُ في ازْدياد
فَاقَ أَنْدَادَهُ وَتَاهَ عَلَيْهُمْ
23. What excellent possessors, no difference among them
Except the differences lie in individuals
٢٣. إِذْ تَلَقَّاهُ فاقدُ الأَنْدَاد
نعْمَ المَالكينَ لاَ فَرْقَ فيهَا
٢٤. غَيْرَ أَنَّ الفُروقَ في الأَفْرَاد