1. A glorious lineage, generation after noble generation,
Its eminent member prides himself on the present.
١. مَجْدٌ تَسَلْسَل كَابِراً عَنْ كَابِرٍ
يَعتَزْ غَابِرُ شَأْنهِ بِالحَاضِرِ
2. A clan - if its generosity were counted,
It would surpass, without exaggeration, all clans.
٢. وَعَشِيرَةٌ لوْ أُحْصِيَتْ بِكِرَامِهَا
كَانَتْ وَلا غَلْوَاءَ جَمْعَ عشَائِرِ
3. How many shining lights of praise it has raised,
And lofty minarets of glory.
٣. كَم أَنْجَبَتْ لِلْمَحْمَدَاتِ وَلِلنُّهَى
مِنْ شُمِّ أَعْلامٍ وَغرِّ مَنَائِرِ
4. Eras and epochs have passed by it
Without its early or late renown fading.
٤. مَرَّتْ بِهَا الأَحْقَابُ وَالأَسْبَابُ لمْ
تَنْبَتَّ بَيْنَ أَوَائِلٍ وَأَوَاخِرِ
5. Its heart is the adornment of its youth
And its pride in the face of all prides.
٥. أَمَّا فُؤَادُ فَهْوَ زَيْنُ شَبَابِهَا
وَفخَارِهَا فِي وَجْهِ كُلِّ مَفَاخِرِ
6. Of the leading intellects, early in their brilliance
Who opened Egypt’s gates to a flourishing era.
٦. مِنَ قادَةِ الرَّأْي الأُولى بِنُبُوغِهِمْ
فَتَحُو لِمِصْرَ فُتُوحَ عَهْدٍ زَاهِرِ
7. Who made integrity their way
And truthfulness their path.
٧. الجَاعِلِينَ الْقَصْدَ مِنْهاجاً لَهُمْ
وَالصَّادِقِينَ عَنِ الطَّرِيقِ الْجَائِرِ
8. A man whose merits parallel
The rarest wonders among eminent men.
٨. رَجُلٌ شَأَى إِقْرَانَهُ بِمَنَاقِبَ
فِي النَّابِهِينَ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ نَوَادِرِ
9. With an ambitious outlook and courage
That dashes amidst hardships and dangers.
٩. ذُو نَظْرَةٍ طَمَّاحَةٍ وَشُجَاعَةٍ
تَرْتَاضُ بَيْنَ مَصَاعِبَ وَمَخَاطِرِ
10. With it, when times frown, a cheerful composure
And in events, a mocking glance.
١٠. مَعَهَا إِذَا عَبَسَ الزَّمَانُ بَشَاشَةٌ
وَبِهَا إِلى الأَحْدَاثِ لَفْتَةُ سَاخِرِ
11. If the call of chivalry invites him
He comes with abundant chivalry.
١١. إِنْ تدْعُ دَاعِيَةُ المُرُوءَة تَلْقَهُ
ذَا جَانِبٍ وَافَى المُرُوءَةَ وافِرِ
12. He strives to store as many benefits as he can for the nation
And does not refuse whatever is beyond his capacity.
١٢. مَا اسْطَاعَ يَذْخُرُ لِلبِلاد مَنَافِعاً
وَلمَا يرُدُّ عَلَيْه لَيْسَ بِذَاخِرِ
13. Carefulness in assessing, determination in managing -
His resolve goes forth like the cleaving lightning.
١٣. الحَزْمُ فِي تَقْديرِه وَالعَزمُ فِي
تَدْبِيرِهِ يَمْضِي مَضَاءَ البَاتِرِ
14. His administration has become, in what it aims for,
An example passed on in common parlance.
١٤. أَضْحَتْ إِدَارَتُهُ لِمَا يَعْنِي بِه
مَثَلاً يُرَدَّدُ فِي الحَديثِ السَّائِرِ
15. He gives the momentous and the subtle their due,
With his ceaseless, manifest efforts.
١٥. يَعْطِي الْجَلائِلَ وَالدَّقَائِقَ حَقَّهَا
مِنَ جَهْدهِ الْمُتَلاحِقِ الْمُتَظَاهِرِ
16. Dawn and dusk are equal in him - the pursuits of dawn he takes up
And the vigils of night he keeps.
١٦. سَيَّانَ فِيه بَيَاضُ صُبْحٍ تَغْتَدي
طَلْبَاتُهُ وَسَوَادُ لَيْلٍ سَاهِرِ
17. Wondrous is his comprehension of every task
Assigned to that brilliant intellect.
١٧. عَجَبٌ إِحَاطَتُهُ بِكُلِّ مُهِمَّةٍ
وُكِلتْ إِلى ذَاكَ الذَّكَاءِ الْبَاهِرِ
18. Neither does his eye err, nor do the secrets within
Those innermost souls escape him.
١٨. لا عَيْنُه تَسْهُو وَلا تُخْفَى عَلى
ذَاكَ الضَّمِيرِ مُخبآتُ ضَمَائِرِ
19. His diverse works he deftly administers
Without confusing his scattered thoughts.
١٩. أَعْمَالُهُ شَتَّى يَسُوسُ أُمُورَهَا
لَبِقاً وَلا يَلْفِي شَتِيتَ الْخَاطِرِ
20. How plainly his insight sees when he stands perplexed
In a growing crisis, like one lost.
٢٠. صَافِي البَدَاهَةِ مَا تَرَاهُ وَاقِفاً
فِي أَزْمةٍ تَشْتَّدُ وَقْفَةَ حَائِرِ
21. The scope of work does not settle for him
Until departments and bureaus are coordinated.
٢١. لا يَسْتَقِرُّ نِطَاقُ دَائِرَةٍ بِه
حَتَّى تَهَادَاهُ عدَادُ دَوَائِرِ
22. So you see him amidst scattered farms and factories
Giving order to their disjointed system.
٢٢. فَتَرَاهُ بَيْنَ مَزَارعَ وَمَصَانعَ
شَبْهَ النِّظَامِ لَعِقْدهَا المُتَنَاثِرِ
23. He guides the elite to build his people's renaissance
And he is the teacher in the example of the merchant.
٢٣. يَهْدي الأُولى يَبْنونَ نَهْضةَ قَوْمهِ
وَهْوَ الْمُعَلِّمُ فِي مِثَالِ التَّاجِرِ
24. It suffices schools to be institutes
Combining benefits and glories.
٢٤. حَسبَ المَعَارِضُ أَنْ تَكُونَ مَدَارِساً
بِالجَمْعِ بَينَ مَنَافع وَمَفَاخِرِ
25. Is there a principle and bond like acquaintance
For the belligerent, estranged element?
٢٥. هَلْ كَالتَّعَارُفِ ضَابِطٌ وَمُؤَلَّفٌ
لِلْعُنْصُرِ المُتَنَاكِرِ المُتَدَابِرِ
26. And a provider, showing people their livelihood
Through resources that make it clear to them.
٢٦. وَمُبْصِر لِلناسِ فِي أَرْزَاقِهِمْ
بِمَوَارِدٍ تُجْلى لَهُمْ وَمَصَادِرِ
27. No love matches his love of homelands
In private or openly.
٢٧. لا حُبَّ يَعْدِلُ حُبَّهُ أَوْطَانهِ
فِي بَاطِنٍ مِنْ أَمْرِه أَو ظَاهِرِ
28. Carry out his many aims - you will not find
Anything but a pure, honest purpose.
٢٨. حَقِّقْ مَرَامِيَهُ الكَثِيرَةَ لا تَجِدْ
فِيهَا سِوَى الغرَض النَّزِيهِ الطَّاهِرِ
29. He desires the precious from fate for his land
With a hopeful expectation and venturesome despair.
٢٩. يَبْغِي الْعَزِيزَ مِنَ الْمُنى لِبِلاده
بِرَجَاءِ مُعْتصِمٍ وَيَأْسِ مُغَامِرِ
30. He roams the land unconcerned
Whether his roving is in ruin or cultivation.
٣٠. وَلقد يَجُوبُ الأَرْض لَيْسَ مُبَالِياً
فِي غَامِرٍ تَجْوَابُهُ أَوَّ عَامِرِ
31. When its carriages are slowed
His steed is the wing of a bird.
٣١. فَإِذَا مَرَاكِبُهَا الْعِجَالُ اسْتُبْطِئَتْ
كَانَتْ مَطِيَّتُهُ جِنَاحَ الطَّائِرِ
32. What virtues can I recount, so many they are
Reality transcends a poet's imagination?
٣٢. مَاذَا أُعَدِّدُ مِنْ مَنَاقِبَ جَمَّةٍ
تَسْمُو حَقِيقَتُهَا خَيَالَ الشَّاعِرِ
33. A charter that enabled it to attain its perfection
From the noblest of princes, the greatest supporter.
٣٣. شِيَمٌ أُتِيحَ لَهَا لِتَبْلُغَ تَمَّهَا
مِنْ أَحْصَفِ الأُمَرَاءِ أَشْرَفُ نَاصِرِ
34. A life that exhausted counting, so it did not encompass
Numbering its effects and achievements.
٣٤. عُمْرُ الَّذي أَعْيَا الْحِسَابَ فَلَمْ يَسَعْ
تَعْدادَ آثارٍ لهُ وَمَآثِرِ
35. It is said that the East raves in praising him
With the scratching of pens and the voice of platforms,
٣٥. قِيلٌ يُدَوِّي الشَّرْقُ فِي تَمْدَاحٍه
بِصَرِيرِ أَقْلامٍ وَجَهْرِ مَنَابِرِ
36. In every excellence and each merit
His passion streamed to its furthest extent.
٣٦. فِي كُلِّ مَحْمِدَةٍ وَكُلِّ مَبَرَّةٍ
أَجْرَى هَوَاهُ إِلى مَدَاهُ الآخِرِ
37. Rejoice then, heart, in his kindness and the favor of what
You have been given from the blessings of the Almighty.
٣٧. فَاهْنَأْ فُؤَادُ بِعَطْفهِ وَبِلُطْفِ مَا
أُوتيتَ مِنْ نِعَمِ المَلِيكِ الْقَادِرِ
38. Yours is the highest office, through which is tasted
The essence of nobility in splendid fashion.
٣٨. أَوْلاكَ أَسْنى رُتْبَةً يَبْلُو بِهَا
مَعْنَى الإِثَابَةَ فِي طِرَازٍ فَاخِرِ
39. Rightfully he granted it and doubled his merit
If thankfulness was obligatory on the grateful.
٣٩. بِالْحَقِّ أَهْدَاهَا وَضَاعَفَ فَضْلَهُ
إِنْ كَانَ مَشْكُوراً بِصُورَة شَاكِرِ