1. In this youth and prime of life,
Let none blame him who weeps in sorrow.
١. أتَحِينُ فِي هَذِي النَّضَارَةِ وَالصِّبَا
مَنْ يَبْكِ مِنْ أَسَفٍ فَلَيْسَ مَلُوما
2. Great grief for you fills me, until
I see even the earth bend with compassion.
٢. َأَكْبَرْتُ فيكَ الخَطْبُ حَتَّى إِنَّنِي
لأَرَى الثَّرَى يَحْنُو عَلَيْكَ رَحِيمَا
3. O extinguished flame, O closed eyes,
Decay took them and acted wickedly.
٣. يَا مُهْجَةً ذَابَتْ وَعَيْناً أُغْمِضَتْ
ذَهَبَ الرَّدَى بِهِمَا وَكَانَ أَثِيمَا
4. You were not on either side, yet
You knew not what was lawful and unlawful.
٤. مَا كُنْتُمَا بِالجَانِبَيْنِ وَأَنْتُمَا
لَمْ تَعْرَفَا التَّحْلِيلَ وَالتَّحْرِيمَا
5. But it is a mysterious secret of God,
Beyond what is suspected and understood.
٥. لَكِنَّهُ للهِ سِرٌّ غَامِضٌ
يَتَجَاوَزُ الْمَظْنُونَ وَالمَفْهُومَا
6. A secret that makes people doubt,
Until life's veils are lifted and all is revealed.
٦. سِرٌّ يُرِيبُ النَّاسَ حَتَّى تَنْتَفِي
حُجُبُ الحَيَاةِ وَتَكْشِفَ المَكْتُومَا
7. There we will know what evident truth
Gave life to souls, though tyrants condemned.
٧. فَهُنَاكَ نَعْلَمُ أَيُّ حَقٍّ بَاهِرٍ
أًَحْيَا النُّفُوسَ وَقَدْ أَمَاتَ جُسُومَا
8. And we will see, from how things are directed,
What gathered dust as stars, and what returned as soil.
٨. وَنَرَى مِنَ التَّصْرِيفِ مَا رَدَّ الوَرى
تُرْباً وَمَا جَمَعَ الهَبَاءَ نُجُومَا
9. Is there in the sorrows of this world,
Anything you would have preferred, had you remained?
٩. هَلْ فِي أَسَى الدُّنْيَا شُكُولِهَا
مَا كُنْتَ تُؤْثِرُ لَوْ بَقَيْتَ مُقِيمَا
10. Go, you went well, find eternal,
Tranquil bliss and bounty there.
١٠. إِذْهَبْ ذَهُبْتَ مُوَفَّقاً وَتَمَلَّهُ
خُلْداً هُنَالِكَ مُونِقاً وَنَعِيمَا