1. An era that revealed the lights of guiding wisdom
He was not regretful that it brought him happiness
١. عَصْرٌ جَلاَ آيَاتِ نُور الهُدَى
مَا كَانَ أَحْرَاهُ بِانْ يُسْعَدَا
2. A lady of noble descent
Whose father was a respected chief
٢. سَيِّدَةٌ مِنْ عُنْصُرٍ نَابِهٍ
كَانَ أَبُوها فِي الْحِمَى سَيِّدَا
3. A woman of sound judgement
Who lowered herself from vain desires to live in isolation
٣. عَقِيلَةٌ أَنْزَلَهَا عَقْلُهَا
مِنَ الْغَوَانِي مَنْزِلاً مُفْرَدَا
4. A mother whom God comforted with the joy
Of a daughter who was her double
٤. أُمٌّ أَقَرَّ اللهُ عَيْنَ الْعُلَى
بِفَرْقَدٍ مِنْهَا تَلا فَرْقدَا
5. She modeled herself in her daughter
And her son was the brave hunter
٥. فَصَوَّرَتْ فِي ابْنَتِهَا نَفْسَهَا
وَفِي ابْنِهَا مَنْجَبَةُ الاصْيَدَا
6. A leader who brought about a renaissance
Her goal is lofty with far reaching horizons
٦. زَعِيمَة قَدْ أَحْدَثَتْ نَهْضَةً
مَطْلَبُهَا سَامٍ بَعِيدُ الْمَدَى
7. She makes an effort to defend violated rights
That were lost in the heedlessness of time
٧. تَجِدُّ ذَوْداً عَنْ حُقُوقٍ عَفَتْ
فِي غَفْلَةِ الدَّهْرِ وَضَاعَت سُدَى
8. The women of the East were before her
In confusion, unable to find guidance
٨. كَانَتْ نِسَاءُ الشَّرْقِ مِنْ قَبْلِهَا
فِي حَيْرَةٍ لاَ تَجِدُ الْمُرْشِدَا
9. Oppressed, with no one to bring them justice
Abused, with no one to help them
٩. مَظْلُومَةُ لَيْسَ لَهَا مُنْصِفٌ
مَنْجُودَةٌ أَخْطَاتِ الْمُنْجِدَا
10. So she awakened in them the conscience that
Becomes dormant when people are enslaved
١٠. فَنَبَّهتْ فِيهَا الضَّميرَ الَّذي
يَخْدُرُ فِي الحُرِّ إِذَا اسْتُعْبِدَا
11. And reminded them that it is their duty
To improve the corrupted life
١١. وَأَذْكَرَتْهَا أَنَّ مِنْ شَأْنِهَا
أَنْ تُصْلِح الْعَيْشَ الذي أُفسِدَا
12. That when she perfects her husband
She returns happiness to her nation
١٢. وَأَنَّها أَنْ أَكْمَلَتْ بَعْلَهَا
رَدَّتْ إِلَى أُمِتهَا السُّؤْدَدَا
13. And that when she raises her children well
She becomes the mother of the liberated nation
١٣. وَأَنهَا أَنْ أَحْكَمَتْ وُلْدَهَا
تُصْبِحُ أُمَّ الْوَطَنِ الْمُفْتَدَى
14. She has a noble goal that cannot be attained
By archers who miss their mark
١٤. مَرَامُ خَيْرٍ لَمْ يتَحْ لِلأُلى
أَرَاسَ رَامِيَهُمْ فَمَا سَدْدَّا
15. She changed the state of Egypt
Renewing what time had worn away
١٥. لِمِصْرَ مَا حَوَّلَ مِنْ حَالَةٍ
لِمِصْرَ مَا أَبْلَى وَمَا جَددَا
16. Blessed is she in her perfect essence
Who prepares the most glorious future
١٦. بُورِكَ فِي ذَاتِ الْكَمَالِ التي
تُهَيِّيءُ الْمُسْتَقْبَلَ الأمْجَدَا
17. She manifests in herself the most beautiful virtues
Whose brilliance shines in her face
١٧. أَبْدَعُ مضا فِي نَفْسِهَا مِنْ حِلىً
لَهُ شُعَاعٌ فِي الْمُحَيّا بَدَا
18. Whether she writes or gives a speech
Her words rival pearls and agate
١٨. إِنْ كَتَبْتْ أَوْ خَطَبَتْ نَافَسَتْ
أَقْوَالُهَا اللُّؤلُؤَ وَالْعَسْجَدا
19. In all the duties she takes upon herself
She considers them her one and only duty
١٩. فِي كُلِّ مَا تَسْتَنُّ مِنْ وَاجَبٍ
تَحْسَبُهُ وَاجِبَهَا الاوْحَدَا
20. The Pole Star is not too far for her determination
When she aims to reach a goal
٢٠. لاَ يَبْعُدُ الْقُطْبُ عَلَى عَزْمِهَا
إِذَا توَخَّت عِنْدَه مَقْصِدَا
21. In East and West her name echoes
Accompanied by thanks and praise
٢١. فِي الشَّرْقِ وَالغَرْبِ يذَاعُ اسْمُهَا
مقْتَرِناً بِالشُّكرِ مَا رَدَّدَا
22. And her famed voice in Egypt
Reverberates and finds an echo in every part of Egypt
٢٢. وَصَوْتُهَا المَسْموعُ فِي مِصْرَ قَدْ
دَوَّى لَه فِي كُلِّ مِصْرٍ صَدَى
23. She is a flowing spring of kindness and righteousness
Purer and more precious than streams of dew
٢٣. يُنْبوعُ إِحْسَانٍ وَبِرٍّ جَرَى
أَصْفَى وَأَنْقَى مِنْ قِطَارِ النَّدَى
24. She cares for orphans when they are
Deprived of help and scarce are comforts
٢٤. تَرْعَى الايَامَى وَالْيَتَامَى إِذَا
عَزَّهُمُ الْعَوْنُ وَعَزَّ النَّدَى
25. In all advances of her people
She expends effort and extends a hand
٢٥. فِي كُلِّ مَا يَرْقَى بِه قَوْمُهَا
تَبْذُلُ مَجْهوداً وَتُسْدي يَدَا
26. To women seeking livelihood through crafts
And girls seeking knowledge she lent a hand
٢٦. لِطَالِبَاتِ الرِّزْقِ مِنْ صَنْعَةٍ
وَطَالِبَاتِ الْعِلْمِ مَدَّتْ يَدَا
27. So for some she established workshops
And for others founded schools
٢٧. فَلِفَرِيقٍ أَنْشَأَتْ مَصْنَعاً
وَلِفَرِيقٍ أَنْشَأَتْ مَعْهَدَا
28. And she diversified her lights in the press
It is a beacon raised up for guidance
٢٨. وَنَوَّعَتْ فِي الصُّحفِ أَضْوَاءَهَا
فَهْيَ مَنَارٌ رُفِعَتْ لِلهدَى
29. Her benevolence in this era cannot be denied
And her merit in Egypt cannot go unacknowledged
٢٩. إِحْسَانُهَا فِي الْعَصْرِ لَنْ يُمْتَرَى
وَفَضْلُهَا فِي مِصْرَ لَنْ يُجْحَدَا
30. Her achievements will be remembered
And her name among the people immortalized
٣٠. تَعْفُو الْفُتُوحَاتُ وَأَرْبَابُهَا
وَذِكْرُهَا فِي النَّاسِ قَدْ خُلِّدَا