1. The two families as the heights desire them,
And the two springs from the noblest rock,
١. أَلأُسْرَتانِ كمَا توَدُّهُمَا العُلَى
وَالنَّبعانِ مِنَ النَّجادِ الأَشْرَفِ
2. How generous is the tie that bound them,
Its fabric knit without affectation.
٢. مَا أكْرَمَ الصِّلةَ الَّتِي جَمَعَتْهُمَا
وَقوَامُهَا كَلِفٌ بِغيْرِ تكلَّفِ
3. Blessed it is, so I heard the wish's chant,
And the sweetest melody of angels.
٣. قدْ بُورِكتْ فسَمِعْتُ ترْنِيمَ المْنى
وَسَمعْتُ لِلأَمْلاَكِ أَطْيَبَ معْزِفِ
4. On a night when its flowers spread their scent,
A scent enlivened by potpourri's aroma,
٤. فِي ليْلَةٍ نَفَحَتْ غوَالِي عِطْرَهَا
نفْحاً يُذَّكيهُ أَرِيجُ القرْقفِ
5. Generosity dispensed its perfumes within it
In a graceful gesture in brocade's design.
٥. بَذَلَ السَّخاءُ بِهَا الأَطايِبَ وَانْتحَى
نحْواً جَمِيلاً فِي طِرَازِ المقْصِفِ
6. So its lights glittered and its flowers strewed about,
And its charm was a hidden subtle grace,
٦. فتَلأْلأَتْ أَنْوَارُهَا وَتناثرَتْ
أَزْهَارُهَا وَنِظامُهَا اللُّطْفُ الخفِي
7. Signs of the Protectress of Sanctuary and her people
That graciousness in their eyes was a familiar thing.
٧. آيَاتُ سَيِّدَةِ الحِمَى وَبَنِي الحِمَى
أَنَّ السَّماحَةَ عِنْدَهُمْ فِي مَأْلفِ
8. Georgiette in the garden of damsels is a flower
Of the most beloved, gentlest flower specie,
٨. جُورجِيتُ فِي رَوْضِ الأَوَانِسِ زهْرَةٌ
مِنْ عُنْصُرِ الزَّهْرِ الأَحَبّ الأَلْطفِ
9. Not to mention her art, wit without
Vanity, and charm without coquetry,
٩. ناهيك مِنْ فنِّ وَمِنْ فِطَنٍ بِلا
زهْوٍ وَمِنْ ظرْف بِغيرِ تظرُّفِ
10. Nobility inclines in her character
Without piety she'd not be so gentle,
١٠. أَلنُّبلُ حَيْثُ تِميلُ فِي أَعْطافِهَا
وَبِغْيرِ تقْوَى اللهِ لمْ تتعَطَّفِ
11. Between the bloom of her beauty and her shyness
Eyes stop at her, though she'd not stop them.
١١. بَيْنَ ازْدَهارِ جَمالِهَا وَحَيَائِهَا
تقِفُ العُيُونُ بِهَا وَلم تسْتوْقَفِ
12. She was brought to Robert, the worthiest
Of suitors for her perfection to choose,
١٢. زفَّت إِلى رُوبرتُ وَهْوَ أَحَقُّ مَنْ
تخْتارُهُ ذاتُ الكمَالِ وَتصْطفِي
13. Manners, morals lofty and knowledge
No matter how much from its spring you take it never exhausts,
١٣. أَدَبٌ وَأَخْلاقٌ سَمَتْ وَمَعَارِفٌ
مَهْمَا يرِدْ مِنْ حَوْضِهَا لاَ يَكْتَفِ
14. A conscience pure and a spirit free
That never pretended a trait nor classified itself,
١٤. وَسَرِيرَةٌ نزَهَتْ وَنفْسٌ حُرَّةٌ
لمْ تَصْطَنِعْ شِيماً وَلمْ تتصَنَّفِ
15. How delightful for the two suited the passion gathered them
To stand from it in such a stand!
١٥. مَا أَبْهجَ الكفُوئَينِ ضَمَّهُمَا الهَوَى
يَقِفَانِ مِنْهُ مِثْلَ هَذَا المَوْقِفِ
16. Matching in nature and disposition,
Loyal to guidance and virtuousness,
١٦. مُتَمَاثِلَيْنِ سَجيَّة وَمَزِيَّةً
مُتَعَاهِدَيْنِ عَلَى هُدَى وَتَعَفُّفِ
17. So may they be happy and may all wishes be attained
For them in every refined and noble meaning!
١٧. فَلْيَسْعَدا وَلْتَتَّسقْ لَهُمَا المُنَى
فِي كلِّ مَعْنىً مُوِنقٍ وَمُشْرَّفِ