
In life and death, you were great

كنت في الموت والحياة كبيرا

1. In life and death, you were great
Such is glory, first and last

١. كُنْتَ في المَوْتِ وَالْحَيَاةِ كَبِيراً
هَكَذَا المَجْدُ أَوَّلاً وَأخِيرَا

2. You excelled in creation, until
You attained that momentous station

٢. ظَلْتَ في الْخَلْقِ راجِحَ الْخُلْقِ حَتَّى
نِلْتَ فِيهِمْ ذَاكَ المقَامَ الْخَطِيرَا

3. Above the heads of men your lofty
Glory rises high, shining with light

٣. فَوْقَ هَام الرِّجَالِ هَامَتُكَ الشـ
ـمَّاءُ تَزْهُو عُلىً وَتَزْهَرُ نُورا

4. A lesson of fate, that after such
Glory one sees in each living being an end

٤. عِبْرَةُ الدَّهْرِ أَنْ تَرَى بعْدَ ذَاكَ الْـ
ـجَاهِ في حَدِّ كُلّ حيِ مَصِيرَا

5. We did not think time, however long it lingered
Could remove that bright youth

٥. مَا حَسِبْنَا الزَّمَانَ إِنْ طَالَ مَا طَا
لَ مُزِيلاً ذَاكَ الشَّبابَ النَّضيرَا

6. Indeed one day we wept for a beloved
It's no wonder that day was rainy

٦. إِنَّ يَوْماً بَكَيْنا حَبِيباً
لَيسَ بِدْعاً أَنْ كَانَ يَوْماً مَطِيرَا

7. O what a leader of his people he assumed
He was neither conceited nor arrogant

٧. يا له من عميد قوم تولى
لم يكن مزدهى ولا مغرورا

8. He made forbearance his habit and pursued peace
As much as he could, graciously and with goodness

٨. جعل الحلم دأبه وتوخى السلم
ما اسطاعه سماحا وخيرا

9. He whom adversaries could not reach
If some of them helped others

٩. وهو من لا تنال منه الأعادي
لو غدا بعضهم لبعض ظهيرا

10. He based all his affairs on reason and reason
Is in every situation the best advisor

١٠. ناط بالعقل أمره كله والعقل
خير في كل حال مشيرا

11. His prudence taught the weak, when he saw clearly
With prudence, how to become capable

١١. حزمه علم الضعيف إذا استبصر
أنى بالحزم يغدو قديرا

12. And when manhood's prime supported him
Dear, he made the difficult easy

١٢. فإذا ما استقاله عشرة الجد
عزيز أقال جدا عثورا

13. And when a loyal ally was in need
He warded off harm, and was that ally

١٣. وإذا أعوز الوفي نصير
يدرأ الضيم كان ذاك النصيرا

14. He reached the height of fortune in life
Wealth, health and joy

١٤. بلغ المنتهى من الحظ في الدنيا
ثراء وصحة وسرورا

15. And a long life, and from the righteous
A shining sun, with full moons

١٥. وحياة مديدة ومن الأبتاء
شمسا مضيئة وبدورا

16. I grieve that man destroys what man builds
Though his house remains inhabited

١٦. أسفي أن يقوض الرجل الباني
وإن ظل بيته معمورا

17. I complain of fate, and who would entrust it
In the end, with thanks

١٧. أشكاة من الزمان ومن يعهده
في نهاية مشكورا

18. O you who chose the abode of the grave
Leave the abode of weeping, and meet your ruin

١٨. أيها المنتحي من الغيب دارا
خل دار البكاء والق حبورا

19. Over the ephemeral I grieve, and you had been
Knowledgeable of it and had been wise

١٩. أعلى الفانيات يؤسى وقد كنت
عليما بها وكنت خبيرا

20. Indeed your beloved cubs are wakeful
So sleep soundly, serenely, as a trustee

٢٠. إن أشبالك الأعزاء أيقاظ
فنم عنهم أمينا قريرا

21. All of them, when you loved the heights
Were of noble character and enlightened thought

٢١. كلهم عند ما تحب المعالي
خلقا نابها وفكرا منيرا

22. Nobility feels it should gladden the grieving
And merit sees that it should aid the needy

٢٢. يجد النبل أن يسر حزينا
ويرى الفضل أن يبر فقيرا