
The farmers' union has the pride that it

لناقبة الزراع فخر أنها

1. The farmers' union has the pride that it
Watches over their interests, for that is its duty,

١. لِنِقَابَةِ الزُّرَاعِ فَخْرٌ أَنَّهَا
تَرْعَى مَصَالِحِهُمْ وَذَاكَ ذِمَامِ

2. And fulfills what their forefathers have imposed upon it.
Are they not then essential for Egypt's prosperity?

٢. وَتَفِي بِمَا افْتَرَضَتْ لَهُمْ آلاؤُهُمْ
أَفَمَا هُمُ لِثِرَاءِ مِصْرَ قِوَامُ

3. When it celebrates its writers and protectors of their homelands
And their defenders, it has indeed been condemned by the critic.

٣. فَإذَا احْتَفَتْ بِمُحَرِّرِي أَوْطَانِهِمْ
وَحُمَاتِهِمْ فَلَقَدْ عَدَاهَا الذَّامُ

4. Thanks to you on its behalf and thanks to them,
And your leadership suffices as a great favor.

٤. شُكْراً لَكُمْ عَنْهَا وَشُكْراً عَنْهُمُ
وَكَفَى جَمِيلاً مِنْكمُ الإِلمَامُ

5. May you live and the beloved King protected by God endure,
And may the laws thrive in his reign.

٥. عِيشُوا وَدَامَ لَنَا المَلِيكُ المُفْتَدَى
وَلْتَزْدَهِرْ فِي عَهْدِهِ الأَحْكَامُ