
The shepherd of al-Kinanah was struck down - the decree of the Almighty was carried out

راع الكنانة رزء عبد القادر

1. The shepherd of al-Kinanah was struck down - the decree of the Almighty was carried out
Have you seen the procession of mourners and their sorrow?

١. رَاع الكِنانَةَ رُزْءُ عَبْدِ القَادِرِ
وَجَرَى القَضَاءُ بِأَيِّ حُكْمٍ قاهِرِ

2. Traveler after traveler proceeds and resident after resident attends
Though they differ in status, in grieving for him aristocrats and commoners are the same

٢. أَرأَيْتَ سَيْرَ مشَيِّعيهِ وَالأَسَى
بَادٍ عَلى بَادٍ يَسِيرُ وحاضِرِ

3. The scribe of prose was the pride of his time
And he passed away as a rare gem

٣. إِنْ تَخْتَلِفْ طَبَقَاتهُمْ لمْ تخْتَلِفْ
فِيه شُجُونُ أَكَابِرِ وَأَصَاغِرِ

4. Now orphan follows orphan from that precious jewelry
Who can cast eloquence as if it were the inspiration of spontaneity, not the craft of a skilled artisan?

٤. أَلكَاتِبُ النِّحرِيرُ فخْرُ زَمَانهِ
ولَّى وَكَانَ مِنَ الطِّرَازِ النادِرِ

5. Refined in speech, not pretentious
He did not utter it carelessly

٥. أَيَتِيمَةٌ تَهْوي وَرَاءَ يَتيمَةٍ
منْ ذلكَ العقْدِ الكَريم الفاخِرِ

6. Choosing the ripest meanings to clothe appropriately in a flowering garment
His emotions permeate souls as though they share the temperament of secrets with secrets

٦. مَنْ لِلبَيَانِ يَصُوغُهُ وَكَأَنَّهُ
وَحْيُ البَدَاهَةِ لا صِياغَة مَاهِرِ

7. The journalism profession in Egypt was weakened by the loss of that tireless polisher of rough terrain
Over decades he persevered day after day through prominent struggle

٧. مُتَأَنِّق فِي القَوْلِ لا مُتَصنِّعٌ
فِيهِ ولا يُلْقِيهِ عَفْوَ الخَاطِرِ

8. He gave his treasures without hoarding them for the benefit of his nation, for the treasuries of the generous are inexhaustible
The days have not been darkened, though they were bright as life among shining moons

٨. مُتخيّرٌ مِنْ كل مَعْنىً يَانِعٍ
يُكْسَى عَلى قدَرٍ بِثَوْبٍ زَاهِرِ

9. The hardship of effort is the hardship of a free man beset by concerns and sleeplessness
Each earns according to his share and the journalist's wage is small

٩. تَغْشَى سَوَانِحُهُ النُّفوسَ كَأَنَّها
فِيهَا مِزاجُ سرَائِرٍ بِسَرَائِرِ

10. If he does not sell his conscience, the journalist trader is the noblest of traders
A lifetime in which Hamzah never wearied of his flock and was never neglectful of the bridle

١٠. رُزِئَتْ صِحَافَةُ مِصْرَ رَافِعَ شَأْنِهَا
بِبَلاءِ رَوَّاضِ الصِّعابِ مُثَابِرِ

11. Had the drops his pens scattered been gathered, they would flow like a roaring, tumultuous sea
A sea which gives its divers precious jewels and pearls

١١. عشرَاتُ أَحْوَالٍ طَوَى أَيَّامَهَا
يَوْماً فَيَوْماً فِي كِفَاحٍ بَاهِرِ

12. The elders have lost an honest, truth-seeking orator whose goal is to establish truth, not shake pulpits
He presents proofs - his only weapon - in the face of every adversary and denier

١٢. يُعْطِي ذخائِرَهُ وَلَمْ يَكْرُثْهُ فِي
نَفْعٍ لأُمَّتهِ نفَادُ ذخَائِرِ

13. No idle prattle inserted to pad his speech, no heated missiles launched
The truth needs no embellishment or ostentatious trappings

١٣. مَا سودَ الأَيَّامَ وَهْيَ بَهِيجَةٌ
بِبَيَاضِها كالعَيْشِ بَيْنَ مَحَابِرِ

14. In the Arabic Language Academy, he strove mightily to pay his share of erudition, knowledge, and excellence
Previously it had achievements in serving eloquent Arabic, and through it the pillars of bygone glory were fortified, and the pillars of present glory anchored

١٤. جُهْدُ العَنَاءِ عناءُ حُرٍ مُبْتَلىً
بِمُبَاكِرٍ مِنْ هَمهِ وَمُسَاهِرِ

15. Arabic poetry laments one who eulogized its misfortunes and grieved for its scattered structure
He was its highest beacon, and his people needed the likes of him to man the minarets

١٥. كلٌّ عَلى قَدَرٍ يَكِدُّ لِرِزْقِهِ
وَيَقِلُّ لِلصَّحفِيِّ أَجْرُ الآجِرِ

16. He never wearied of supporting its good course, for the time of nations is the time of destinies
A man who outweighed his peers in qualities that disdained resemblance to equals

١٦. إِنْ لمْ يَبِعْ فِيمَا يَبِيعُ ضَمِيرَهُ
فَالتاجِرُ الصَّحفِي أَشْرَفُ تاجِرِ

17. In him are manliness and dew which his tolerance and broad-mindedness clarify
Whatever deprived person you speak of that he helped, or fallen one he lifted up

١٧. عُمْرٌ بِهِ لمْ يَأْلُ حَمْزَةُ عَهْدَه
رَعْياً وَلمْ يَكُ لِلذِّمَامِ بِخَافِرِ

18. You will not see him except composed, and what is beyond the visible escapes your glance
A soul he manages with sound mind, controlling its impulses with the guidance of one who commands

١٨. لوْ ضم مَا قَطَرَتْ بِهِ أَقْلامُهُ
لامْتَدَّ كَالبَحْرِ الخِضَم الزَّاخِرِ

19. He is angered by opinion, but if it collides with him, the shepherding of ideas by ideas does not fail him
You can see he is frankest in reproach, and if rancor arises, he returns gentlest in pardon

١٩. بَحْرٌ إِلى رُوَّادِ مَكْنُونَاتِهِ
يُهْدِي النَّفائِسَ مِنْ حِلىً وَجَوَاهِرِ

20. However worldly events batter him, ebbing and flowing, he withstands with steadfast patience
With his judiciousness and resolve he gains supporters, if he cannot find them in a band of supporters,

٢٠. فقد الشُّيوخُ خَطِيبَ صِدْقٍ هَمُّهُ
تَمْكِينُ حَقٍّ لا اهْتِزَازُ مَنَابِرِ

21. For the hero may be the first victor, but truth is the final victor
Oh you who travel, weep for his praiseworthy qualities which gush with tears from my eyelids

٢١. يَلقي الأَدِلةَ وَهْيَ كلُّ سِلاحِهِ
في وَجْهِ كلِّ مُنَاهضٍ ومُكَابرِ

22. In harmony and discord we entwined in the immaculate sanctuary of affection
You harbored injustice beyond your capacity, though you were the enemy of every unjust decree

٢٢. لا لَفْظَةٌ تَنْبُو وَلا لَغْوٌ بِهِ
يَحشُو الكَلام وَلا قَذِيفَةُ ثَائرِ

23. So he folded his wings, recoiled, and shed what remnants of that relationship remained
Oh House of Hamzah, if consolation for you is difficult, who can offer solace in the light of the All-Seeing?

٢٣. مَا بالصَّوَاب إِلى الإِفَاضَةِ حَاجَةٌ
كَلاَّ وَلا يُعْليهِ رَفْعُ عَقَائرِ

24. For your wound, hearts were wounded as if before the tragedy they shared your inner bonds
Or have you not seen amongst the people, O his sons, the many sincere sympathizers and helpers?

٢٤. في المَجْمَعِ اللُّغويِّ وَفَّى جَاهداً
قِسْطيْهِ مِنْ أَدَبٍ وَعِلمٍ وَافرِ

25. Show them the extent of your gratitude in proportion to his kindness and loyalty to you
And add to the renown of his mention glories equivalent to the glories with which you extolled him

٢٥. كانَتْ لَهْ فيهِ وَكَانَتْ قَبْلَهُ
في خِدْمَةِ الفُصْحَى ضُرُوبُ مَآثرِ

٢٦. وَشَجَتْ بهَا أَعْرَاقُ مَجدٍ غَابرٍ
وَتَوَثَّقتْ أَعْرَاقُ مَجْدٍ حاضرِ

٢٧. تَرْثي العُرُوبَةُ مَنْ رَثى لِشَقَائِهَا
وَعَنَاهُ ضَمُّ نظامِهَا المُتَنَاثرِ

٢٨. أَعْلى مَنارَتَهَا وَحَاجةُ قوْمِهَا
أَمْثَالها مِنْ عَاليَاتِ مَنَائرِ

٢٩. لَمْ يَأْلُها مَدَداً لحُسْنِ مَصيرِهَا
وَالوَقْتُ للأَقْوَامِ وَقْتُ مَصَايرِ

٣٠. رَجُلٌ بهِ رَجَحَتْ عَلى نُظَرَائهِ
شِيَمٌ أَبَيْنَ تَشَبُّهاً بنَظَائرِ

٣١. فيهِ المُرُوءَة وَالنَّدَى يَجْلُوهُمَا
بتَطَوُّلِ الكَافي وَصَفْحِ القَادرِ

٣٢. ما شِئْتَ حَدِّثْ عَنْ إِغَاثَةِ لاجيءٍ
مِنْ قَاصِدِيهِ وَعَنْ إِقَالَةِ عَاثرِ

٣٣. لا تلْتَقيهِ العَيْنُ إلاَّ سَاكناً
وَيَفُوتُ لَحْظَكَ مَا وَرَاءَ الظاهرِ

٣٤. نَفُسٌ يُصَرِّفها بعقْلٍ مَالكٍ
نَزَعَاتِهَا تَصْريفَ نَاهٍ آمرِ

٣٥. لِلرَّأْي غَضْبَتُهُ فإِنْ صَدمَتْهُ لمْ
يُخطئْهُ رَعْيُ مُنَاظرٍ لِمُنَاظرِ

٣٦. وَلَقَدْ تَرَاهُ وَهْوَ أَصْرَحُ عَاذِلٍ
إِنْ قَامَ غُذْرٌ عَادَ أَسْمَحَ عَاذِرِ

٣٧. مهْمَا تُصَادِمْهُ الحَوَادِثُ تَصْطدِمْ
مَدَّاً وجَزْراً بِالدؤُوبِ الصَّابِرِ

٣٨. مِنْ حَزْمِهِ وَالعَزْمِ يُلْفِي نَاصِراً
إنْ لَمْ يَجِدْ فِي لَزْبَةٍ مِنْ نَاصِرِ

٣٩. فَلَقدْ يَكُونُ البُطْلُ أَوَّلَ ظَافِرٍ
لَكِنْ يَكُون الحَقّ آخِرَ ظَافِرِ

٤٠. يا رَاحِلاً أَبْكِي شَمَائِلَهُ الَّتِي
عَذُبَتْ فتَشْرَقُ بِالدُّمُوعِ مَحَاجِرِي

٤١. كُنَّا ائْتِلافاً وَاختِلافاً نَلتفِي
فِي مَشْرَعٍ لِلوُدِّ صَفْوٍ طَاهِرِ

٤٢. حَمَّلتَ قَلْبَكَ جَائِراً مَا لم يُطِقْ
وَهْوَ العَدُوُّ لِكُلِّ حُكْمٍ جَائِرِ

٤٣. فَطَوَى جَنَاحَيْهِ مَهِيضاً وَانْقَضَى
ما كانْ مِنْ تَدْوِيمِ ذاك الطَّائِرِ

٤٤. يَا آلَ حَمْزَة إِنْ يَعِزَّ عَزَاؤُكُمْ
مَنْ لِلمُعَزِّي فِي ضِيَاءِ النَّاظِرِ

٤٥. جُرِحَتْ لِجُرْحِكُمُ القُلُوبُ كَأَنَّها
قَبْلَ الرزِيئةِ فِيهِ ذَاتُ أَوَاصِرِ

٤٦. أَوَ لَمْ ترَوْا فِي القَوْمِ يَا أَبْنَاءَهُ
كَمْ مِنْ مُوَاسٍ صَادِقٍ وَمُؤازِرِ

٤٧. مَا كانَ أَرْفَقَهُ بِكمْ وَأَبَرَّهُ
فَأَرُوهُ كَيْفَ يَكونُ شكْرُ الشَّاكِرِ

٤٨. وَبِقدْرِ مَا أَصْفَيْتُمُوهُ حُبَّكمْ
زِيدُوا مَفاخِرَ ذِكْرِهِ بِمَفَاخِرِ