
He drew near, but was not sated,

قربته فما ارتوى

1. He drew near, but was not sated,
And departed still thirsty.

١. قَرَّبَتْهُ فَمَا ارْتَوَى
وَجَفَتْهُ فَمَا ارْعوى

2. A fool is he who strives towards
An end where madness lies.

٢. غادَةٌ مَنْ سعى إِلَى
غَايَةٍ عِندَهَا غَوَى

3. There was madness in him before,
And Qays was mad with love.

٣. جُن فِيهَا وَقَبْلَهُ
جُنَّ قَيسٌ مِنَ الهَوَى

4. And Khaled fulfilled his purpose,
Seeking cure from the sickness of passion.

٤. وَقَضَى خَالِدُ النَّوَى
يَتَدَاوَى مِن النَّوَى

5. So we buried him when the rain poured down,
The grave now houses his remains.

٥. فَدَفَناهُ بَرَّدَ ال
غَيثُ قَبْراً بِهِ ثَوَى

6. He who dies thus gloriously
Is one of our own kin.

٦. مَنْ قَضَى هكَذَا شَهِي
داً فَمِنْ أَهْلِنَا هُوَا

7. Every soul yearning towards an appointed time
Will follow those already gone.

٧. كلُّ نَاجٍ إِلَى مَدى
لاحِقٌ بِالَّذِي ثوى

8. So the valiant one who went before us
Bears our banner aloft.

٨. فَالشُّجَاعُ الَّذِي مضَى
قَبْلَنَا يحْمِلُ اللِّوَا

9. And the daring soul who followed after,
And the hesitant one with purpose.

٩. وَالجِرِيءُ الَّذِي اقْتَفَى
وَالبطِيءُ الَّذِي نَوى