
The bride, a poem of hair unleashed

عروس شعر تنجلي

1. The bride, a poem of hair unleashed
Between jewels and dresses

١. عَرُوسُ شِعْرٍ تَنْجَلِي
بَيْنَ الحِلَى وَالحُلَلِ

2. Her forehead crowned with blossoms
How lovely her beauty stirs

٢. مَا أَبْهَجَ الزَّهْرَ عَلَى
جَبِينِهَا المُكَلَّلِ

3. In her trailing, embroidered gown
As if houris had woven

٣. يَا حُسْنَهَا تَخْطِرُ فِي
هَفْهَافِهَا المُذَيَّلِ

4. Her gown of yarn
You'd think her an angel

٤. كَأَنَّمَا الحُورُ نَسَجْن
غَزْلَهُ مِنْ غَزَلِ

5. Sent down from Heaven
In a pure, white veil, dwelling

٥. شَبهْتَها بِمَلَكٍ
مِن الجِنَانِ مُرْسَلِ

6. Don't you see in her eyes
A gleam that's never ceased

٦. فِي غَيْهَبٍ أَبْيَضَ لَمَّا
عٍ بِهَا مُنَزَّلِ

7. Of the blue sky on a bright
And sunny day?

٧. أَمَا تَرَى فِي نَاظِرَيْهَا
لَمْحَةً لَمْ تَزِل

8. A maiden in the spring of youth
The branches speak of

٨. مِنْ زُرْقَةِ السَّمَاءِ فِي اليَوْمٍ
البَشُوشِ المُقْبِلِ

9. Her graceful figure
Hearts sigh, leaning

٩. عَذْرَاءُ مِلْءُ العَيْنِ فِي
شَبَابِهَا الُمْقَتبلِ

10. Toward her should she glance around
A wellspring of nobility

١٠. تَحَدَّثُ الغُصُونُ عَنْ
قَوَامِهَا المُعْتَدِلِ

11. I'm proudest to claim
The daughter of a father embodied

١١. تَهْفُو القُلُوبُ مَائِلاَ
ت نَحْوَهَا إِنْ تَملِ

12. In manliness, standing tall
Of virtuous manner, far

١٢. مِنْ نَبْعَةٍ أَكْرِمُ بِهَا
مُنْتَسَباً وَأَنْبِلِ

13. From blame or baseness
His kindness and honor are of

١٣. بِنْتُ أَبٍ هُوَ الإِبَاءُ
مَاثِلاً فِي رَجُلِ

14. The highest standing
Extremely forgiving, refusing

١٤. مُنَزَّهُ الشِّيمَةِ عَنْ
عَيْبٍ وَعَنْ تَبَذُّلِ

15. Any hint of rebuke
Never inclined to

١٥. لَهُ مِنَ الإِكْرَامِ وَالإِ
عْزَازِ أَسْنَى مَنْزِلِ

16. Suspect or doubt
He's Abdallah's son, of high

١٦. مَنَّاحِ أَقْصَى العُذْرِ
مَنَّاعٍ لأَدْنَى العَذَلِ

17. Station, lofty and eminent
The pillar of his generation

١٧. وَمَالَهُ بِخُطَّةٍ
شَائِنَةٍ مِنْ قِبَلِ

18. In height and stature
And the best of mothers, known

١٨. هُوَ ابْنَ عَبْدِ اللهِ ذِي الْ
قَدْرِ الرَّفِيعِ المُعْتَلي

19. For perfect manners
From the finest stock

١٩. أَسْمَى عِمَادِ جِيلِهِ
بِالطَّوْلِ وَالتَّطَوُّل

20. With ties to the noblest lineage
This and whatever other praise

٢٠. وَخَيْرِ أُمٍّ عُرِفَتْ
بِالخُلُقِ المُكَمَّلِ

21. You wish to add, say!
She's a gazelle in her manners

٢١. مِنْ خَيْرِ عُنْصُرٍ
بِأَسْبَابِ العُلَى مُتَّصِلِ

22. Of the finest style
Her talk is water for thirsty souls

٢٢. هَذَا وَمَا تَشَاءُ مِنْ
مَحْمدَةٍ بَعْدُ قُلِ

23. Her conscience purer than pure
Radiant, shining,

٢٣. فِي غَادَةٍ آدَابُهَا
مِنَ الطِّرَازِ الأوَّلِ

24. Resplendent to behold
Like a brilliant star

٢٤. حَدِيثُهَا فِي الأَنْفُسِ ال
عَطْشَى كَمَاءٍ الجَدْوَلِ

25. Visible to all eyes
At the height of its arc, its light

٢٥. ضَمِيرُهَا أَنْقَى ضَمِيرٍ
خَالِص مِنْ دَخَلِ

26. Flooding the horizons
The bride's mother is occupied

٢٦. زَاهِيَةٌ زَاهِرَةٌ
بَاهِرةٌ لِلْمُجْتَلِي

27. And how occupied
With every good matter

٢٧. كَالْكَوْكَبِ الدُّريِّ
لِلأَبْصَارِ يَبدُو مِنْ عَلِ

28. For present and future
You've been granted happiness, bride, so don it and revel!

٢٨. أَوْجُ العَنَانِ بُرْجُهُ
وَنُورُهُ فِي المُقَلِ

29. May the eminent and gentle Yuhanna live
In perfect contentment

٢٩. أُمُّ العَرُوسِ وَلَهَا
شغْلٌ وَأَيُّ شُغُلِ

30. Scion of Fathallah
Paragon of paragons

٣٠. بِكُلِّ أَمْرٍ صَالِحٍ
لِلْحَالِ وَالمُسْتَقْبَلِ

31. The eminent and lofty lord
Of splendid lineage

٣١. أُوتِيتِ سَعْداً يَا عَرُو
سُ فَالْبَسِيهِ وَارْفُلِي

32. His son is his pride
In merit and nobility

٣٢. وَلْيَحْيَا سَامِي نَاعِماً
بِحَظِّهِ المُكْتَمِلِ

33. A dear soul, free
In deed and word

٣٣. سَلِيلُ فَتْحِ اللهِ
وَجْهِ الوُجَهَاءِ الأمْثَلِ

34. God has granted him
Fulfillment of his deepest hopes

٣٤. السَّيِّدِ العَالِي الجَنَا
بِ السَّنَدِ المُبَجَّلِ

35. May his wedding last, and last
In joy and pleasure

٣٥. إِنَّ ابْنَهُ لَسِرُّهُ
فِي الفَضْلِ وَالتَّفَضُّلِ

36. Let no hasty greeting here
Replace the one I'd penned

٣٦. فَتًى عَزِيزَ النَّفْسِ حُر
الفِعْلِ عَفُّ المِقْوَلِ

37. In finely wrought verse
For Emilee and her groom

٣٧. قَدْ يَسَّرَ اللهُ لَهُ
فَوْزاً بِأَقَصَى الأمَلِ

38. A gift I'd prepared from me
What a fine lad he is

٣٨. دَامَ وَدَامَتْ عِرْسُهُ
فِي فَرَحٍ وَجَذَلِ

39. In himself and ancestry
Counted among the men of action

٣٩. وَلاَ تَفُتْنِي هَهُنَا
تَهْنِئَةٌ فِي عَجَلِ

40. If men of action are counted
And what an excellent Hypha is Emilee

٤٠. تَنُوبُ عَنْ تَهْنِئَةٍ
سَالِفَةٍ لَمْ تُقَلِ

41. In her disposition and inclination!
She has the smiles of morn

٤١. أَعْدَدْتُهَا مَنْظُومَةً
مِنْ جَوْهَرٍ مُفَصَّلِ

42. And the passions of a nightingale
So I pray with a heart

٤٢. لإِمِلِي وَزَوْجِهَا
هَدِيَّةً مِنْ قِبَلِي

43. Pure and imploring
For John's happiness

٤٣. نِعْمَ الفَتى بِنَفْسِهِ
وَالعُنْصُرِ المُسَلْسَلِ

44. And Emilee's delight
And the perfection of their union

٤٤. يُعَدُّ فِي الأَفْرَادِ
إِنْ عُدَّ رِجَالُ العَمَلِ

45. A union representing
What their family was like

٤٥. وَنِعْمَتِ الهَيْفَاءُ مَا
فِي مَيْلِهَا مِنْ مَيَلِ

46. When gathered together
I remember with pleasure

٤٦. لَهَا ابْتِسَامَاتُ الصَّبَاحِ
وَشُجُونُ البُلْبُلِ

47. He who brings me and you joy
What can praise do

٤٧. فَأَنَا أَدْعُو بِفُؤَادِ
المُخْلِصِ المُبْتَهِلِ

48. For the cherished, favored friend?
Alexander Shahmir

٤٨. بِسَعْدِ يُوحَنَّا الحَبِيبِ
وَهَنَاءِ إِمِلي

49. The righteous, just, and moderate
Sincere and wholesome in his manner

٤٩. وَلاِكْمتِمَالِ الشَّمْلِ
شَمْلِ الأُسْرَةِ المُمَثَّلِ

50. Free of defects
And his wife of glittering adornments

٥٠. فِي صُورَة أَشْبَهَ
مَا كَانَتْ بِهِمْ فِي مَحْفِلِ

51. Of captivating beauty
Grace and charm in loveliness

٥١. أَذْكُرُ مِنْ فِي ذِكْرِهِ
مَسَرَّةٌ لَكُمْ وَلِي

52. In modesty, lovelier still
And a wit like the rays

٥٢. مَاذَا يَفِي الثَّنَاءُ
مِنْ حَقِّ الصَّدِيقِ المُفْضِلِ

53. Of a shining pearl
O Khouri family, your

٥٣. اسْكَنْدر الشَّهْمِ
الأبِيِّ العَادِلِ المُعْتَدِلِ

54. Bishop is the truest friend to me
Your friend in times past

٥٤. الصَّادِقِ السَّالِمِ فِي
أَخْلاَقِهِ مِنْ عِلَلِ

55. Your friend in times to come
Loyal forever

٥٥. وَزَوْجِهِ ذَاتَ الحُلِيِّ
الكَاسِفَاتِ لِلْحُلِي

56. As long as life remains unchanged
Live, roots and branches

٥٦. لُطْفٌ وَظَرْفٌ فِي جَمَالٍ
فِي عَفَافٍ أَجْمَلِ

57. In the most splendid tranquility
Of established lineage

٥٧. وَفِطْنَةٌ شِبْهُ سَنىً
فِي دُرَّةٍ مُشْتَعِلِ

58. And ancestral ties

٥٨. يَا آلَ خُوري إِنَّ
مُطْرَاناً لَكُمْ أَوْفَى وَلِي

٥٩. خَلِيلُكُمْ فِيمَا مَضَى
خَلِيلُكُمْ فِيمَا يَلِي

٦٠. بَاقٍ عَلَى العَهْدِ
مَدَى الدَّهْرِ بِلاَ تَحَوُّلِ

٦١. عِيْشُوا أُصُولاً وَفُرُوعاً
فِي الصَّفَاءِ الأجْزَلِ

٦٢. بِحَسَبٍ مُؤَثَّلٍ
وَنَسَبٍ مُؤَصَّلِ