1. Who is like the describer whose description is eloquence
When creativity and perfection are noticed
١. مَنْ مِثْلُ وَاصِفَ وَالبَيَانُ بَيَانُهُ
إِنْ لُوحِظَ الإِبْدَاعُ وَالإِحْكَامُ
2. His meanings adorn buildings as decoration
Neither prosody mistakes them, nor structure
٢. تَكْسُو مَبَانِيهِ المَعَانِي زِينَةً
لا الضَّبْطُ يُخْطِئُهَا وَلا الهِنْدَامُ
3. He is a pillar of the palace in its construction
And the palace is pillars that settled and pillars
٣. هُوَ مِنْ دِعَامِ الصَّرْحِ فِي تَشْيِيدِهِ
وَالصَّرْحُ أَرْكَانٌ رَسَتْ وَدِعَامُ