1. He spent his life as he had been destined
And they are the best of builders and architects
١. قَضَى عُمْرَهُ حَنَّا كَمَا كَانَ آلُهُ
وَهُمْ خَيْرُ آلٍ بَانِياً وَمُشَيِّدَا
2. Perpetuating glorious heritage after ancestry
And promoting righteous causes properly
٢. يُؤَثِّل مَجْداً طَارِفاً بَعْدَ تَالِدٍ
وَيَرْعَى شُؤُونَ البِرِّ رَعْياً مُسَدَّدا
3. A companion to his family, a helper to his friends
With generous hand outstretched to those asking
٣. رَفِيقاً بِاهْلِيهِ نَصِيراً لِصَحْبِهِ
نَدِيَّ يَدٍ بَذْلاً لِسَائِلِهِ يَدَا
4. And he holds fast to the piety of his Lord every hour
And remembers Him with repeated praise and thanks
٤. وَيَلْزَمُ تَقْوَى رَبِّه كُلَّ سَاعَةٍ
وَيَذْكُرُهُ بِالْحَمْدِ ذِكْراً مُرَدَّدا
5. So visitor of this shrine and onlooker
To the vestige of wisdom and determination immortalized
٥. فَيَا زَائِراً هَذَا الضَّرِيحَ وَنَاظِراً
إِلى أَثَرٍ لِلْحَزْمِ وَالعَزْمِ خُلِّدَ
6. The great elder of Bani Al Sabbagh lies rested
٦. هُنَا فِي جِوَارِ اللهِ حَيِّ مُؤَرَّخاً
كَبِيرَ بَنِي الصَّبَّاغِ بَاتَ مُوَسَّدَا