1. Does companionship delight, or does melody soothe,
Except when the composer is sublime?
١. أَيَتِم أُنْسٌ أمْ يَطِيبُ تَرَنمٌ
إلاَّ إذَا كَانَ المُرَجِّعُ سَامِي
2. The strings flow beneath his fingers,
Like the flow of rivers with melodies,
٢. تَتَدَفَّقُ الأوْتَارُ تَحْتَ بَنَانِهِ
كَتَدَفُّقِ الأَنْهَارِ بِالأَنْغَامِ
3. Between harmony, congruous intermixing,
Coordination, and contrast with order.
٣. بَيْنَ انْسِجَامٍ وَاخْتِلاَطٍ مُونِقٍ
وَتَوَافُقٍ وَتَبَايُنٍ بِنِظَامِ
4. Its rhythm flows on its threads,
Cascading from the source of inspiration.
٤. يَجْرِي عَلَى أَسْلاَكِهَا إيقاعُهُ
مُتَحَدِّراً مِنْ مَصْدَرِ الإلْهَامِ
5. Its tones are a language whose letters
Are bound to the ear carrying them to minds.
٥. نَبَرَاتُهُ لُغُةٌ تُنَاطُ حُرُوفُهَا
بِالسَّمْعِ يَحْمِلُهَا إلَى الأَفْهَامِ
6. Far apart in revealing secrets are they -
Agitation and the rain of pens.
٦. شَتَّانَ فِي كَشْفِ السَّرَائِرِ بَيْنَها
طَرَباً وَبَيْنَ مَقَاطِرِ الأقْلاَمِ
7. Some of it excites you with its echo
Of the warbling of a dove and the coo of a pigeon.
٧. يَشْجِيكَ مِنْهَا مَا يُعِيدُ رَنينَهَا
مِنْ شَدْوِ قُمْرِيٍّ وَسَجْعِ حَمَامِ
8. And you feel the breeze's blow in a meadow
And see the roses blooming in buds.
٨. وَتَحِسُّ تَنْسِيمَ الصَّبَا فِي رَوْضَةٍ
وَتَرَى فُطُورَ الْوَرْدِ فِي الأكْمَامِ
9. O creator in his art and inspirer
Awakening our vigilance with the marvels of dreams!
٩. يَا مُبْدِعاً فِي فنه وَمُحَلياً
يَقَظَاتِنَا بِرَوَائِعِ الأحْلاَمِ
10. In East or West, no wonder if
You receive what you receive of honors.
١٠. فِي الشَّرْقِ أَوْ فِي الغَرْبِ لاَ عَجَبٌ إذَا
لُقِّيْتَ مَا تَلْقَى مِنَ الإكْرَامِ
11. The right of genius, and it is indeed a law
Followed for the diverse peoples.
١١. حَقُّ النُّبُوغِ وَإنَّهُ لَشَرِيعَةٌ
تُسْتَنَّ فِي مَتَبَايِنِ الأَقْوامِ
12. How excellent the reward for perfection, and how difficult
What the generous one endures besides perfection!
١٢. نِعْمَ الثَّوَابِ عَلَى التَّمَامِ وَشَدَّ مَا
يَتَجَشَّمُ المِجْوادُ دُونَ تَمَامِ
13. Genius is no easy thing for the picker,
It is of the fruits of strife and pains.
١٣. مَا العَبْقَرِيَّةُ سَهْلَةٌ لِلْمُجْتَنِي
هِيَ مِنْ ثِمَارِ السُّهْدِ وَالآلاَمِ
14. An art whose ambition in it we fell short of
Steps, courts, and pouring out passions,
١٤. فَنٌّ قَصَرْنَا هَمَّنَا فِيهِ عَلَى
عَتَبٍ وَأَعْتَابٍ وَبَثِّ غَرَامِ
15. And of gentle, musical, no longer complaining
Whatever the lovelorn complains of ailments.
١٥. وَعَلَى نَجِيبٍ خَافَتٍ لَمْ يَعْدُ مَا
يَشْكُوهُ ذُو دَنَفٍ مِنَ الأسْقَامِ
16. The bliss has veiled its sun from
Our spirits except behind clouds.
١٦. حَجَبَ السُّرُورَ نُطَالِعُ شَمْسُهُ
أرْوَاحَنَا إلاَّ وَرَاءَ غَمَامِ
17. And the lightning flash of death almost does not shine forth
To our eyes except when they are confused.
١٧. وَتَكَادُ بَارِقَةُ المُنَى لاَ تَنْجلي
لِعُيُونِنَا إلاَّ وَهُنَّ هَوَامِي
18. The Orient, and it is the place of the people of guidance
And the haven of the valiant and resolute!
١٨. أَلشَّرْقُ وَهْوَ مَجَالُ أرْبَابِ النُّهَى
وَمَصَالُ أهْلِ الْكَرِّ وَالإِقْدَامِ
19. Time let flow its tears upon its eyelids,
So life is of what has melted away like a dream.
١٩. رَانَ الكَرَى دَهْراً عَلَى أَجْفَانِهِ
فَالْعَيْشُ مِمَّا رَقَّ شِبْهُ مَنَامِ
20. Recreate through its music, after its secret,
Not to vie in the loftiness of position!
٢٠. أَخْلِقْ بِمُوسِيقَاهُ بَعْدَ سَرَارِهَا
أَلاَّ تُبَارَى فِي عُلُوِّ مَقَامِ
21. Has the voice of our pots and our talk
In every people risen over all speech?
٢١. هَلْ بُحَّ صَوَتُ فَخَارِنَا وَكَلامُهُ
فِي كُلِّ قَوْمٍ فَوْقَ كُلِّ كَلاَمِ
22. Or have we in talents or graces
Glory to which time will return?
٢٢. أَوْ مَا لَنَا فِي تَالِدٍ أَوْ طَارِفٍ
مَجْدٍ لَهُ رَجْعٌ عَلَى الأَيَّامِ
23. Or has this torrent no threatening roar
To the intruders, with the vigilance of eagles?
٢٣. أَوْ مَا لِهَذَا الغِيلِ زَأْرٌ مُنْذِرٌ
لِلطَّارِقِينَ بِيَقْظَةِ الضِّرْغَامِ
24. Increase your means so your art may rise
And soar to the distant, lofty goal!
٢٤. زِيدُوا وَسَائِلَكُمْ لِيَرْقَى فَنُّكُمْ
وَيَعِزَّ بِالغَرَضِ الْبِعِيدِ السَّامِي
25. As for talents, do not interfere, and there is nothing
We desire but diversity and solidity.
٢٥. أَمَّا اللُّبَابُ فَلاَ مَسَاسَ وَلَيْسَ مَا
نَبْغِي سِوَى التَّنْويعِ وَالإحْكَامِ