
It is true that Al-Mahalla Al-Kubra

عاد حقا أن المحلة كبرى

1. It is true that Al-Mahalla Al-Kubra
Has returned after its long absence from glory

١. عَادَ حقّاً أَنَّ الْمَحَلَّةَ كُبْرَى
بَعْدَ تَعْطِيِلهَا مِنَ النَّعْتِ دَهْرَا

2. So praise Allah in the mornings and evenings
O people of it, then praise the Nile of Egypt

٢. فاحْمِدُوا اللّهَ بُكْرَةً وأَصِيلا
يَا بَنِيهَا ثمَّ احْمِدُوا بَنْكَ مِصْرا

3. This is the first of glories for what
You have of other glories, O Harb

٣. هَذه غُرَّةُ الْمَآثِرِ فِيمَا
لَكَ يَا حَرْبُ منْ مَآثِرَ أُخْرى

4. We knew you as a writer and orator
And accountant, and above that a shield

٤. قَدْ عَرفْنَاك كاتِباً وخَطِيباً
وَحَسِيباً وَفَوقَ ذِلكَ دِثرا

5. We did not know you, though skilled with rhyme
Before these verses, composing poetry

٥. مَا عَرَفْناك وَالْقَوَافِي بِناءٌ
قبْلَ هَذي الأَبْياتِ تُنْشِئُ شِعْرا

6. You amazed our minds with every eloquence
And beauty, that was not thought of yesterday

٦. رَاعَ أَلْبَابَنا بِكُلِّ بَيَانٍ
وبَديعٍ ما كَانَ بِالأَمْسِ فِكْرَا

7. You created a city, we look upon
Half of its facades and neglect the other half

٧. خلَقْتَ بَلْدَةً نطالِعُ شَطْرَاً
مِنْ أَعَارِيضِهَا ونَتْركُ شَطرَا

8. You built from small blocks, so if
Held together, the whole citadel returns solid

٨. شَيَّدْتَ مِنْ صِغَارِ صَوْبٍ إِذَا مَا
إِسْتَمْسكَتْ عَادَ أَجمُعُ الصرْحِ صَخْرا

9. Lined with iron, and the sounds
Of its tools mixed with buzzing and roaring

٩. بُطِّنتْ بِالْحَديدِ وَاخْتَلَفَتْ
أَصْوَاتُ آلاتِهَا أَزِيزاً وَزَأْرَا

10. And spun with what scatters the water
And its free breaths, boiling hot

١٠. وَأُدِيرَتْ بِمَا يُبَددُهُ الْمَاءُ
وَأَنْفَاسُهُ الطَّليقَةُ حَرَّى

11. And lit with what is born from every
Flame in its interior that was secret

١١. وَأُنِيرَتْ بِمَا تُوَلَّدْ مِنْ كُلِّ
شِهَابٍ فِي جَوْفِهَا كانَ سِرَّا

12. You created a city for weaving and spinning
And types of crafts one after another

١٢. خَلَقْتَ بَلْدَة لِنَسِيجٍ وَغزْلٍ
وَضُرُوبٌ مِنَ الصِّناعَاتِ تَتْرَى

13. Where the garden grew flowers
A factory for dyes grows flowers

١٣. حَيْثُ كَانَ الْبُسْتانُ يَنْبُتُ زَهْراً
مَصْنَعٌ لِلأَلْوَانِ يَنْبُتُ زَهْرَا

14. Have you seen the silk and cotton
And flax and wool in it, prose and verse

١٤. أَرَأَيْتَ الْحَرِيرَ وَالْقُطْنَ
وَالْكُتانَ وَالصُّوفَ فِيه نَظْماً وَنَثْرا

15. And clothes of every color and pattern
Filling the eye of splendor, extended and folded

١٥. وَثِياباً مِنْ كُلِّ لَوْنٍ وَنَقْشٍ
مِلْءَ عَيْنِ البَديعِ طَيّاً وَنَشرا

16. Egypt stayed for an era, reaping
From its yields worry and hoarding blessings

١٦. مكَثَتْ مِصْرُ حِقْبَةً وهْيَ تَجْنِي
مِن جَنَاهَا حَمّاً وَتَحرُزُ نَزْرَا

17. And distracted by diverse affairs and did not
Pay heed to what was more deserving of care

١٧. وَعَنَتْها شَتَّى الشُّؤونِ وَلمْ
تحْفَلْ لِمَا كَانَ بِالعِنَايَة أَحْرَى

18. Its wealth management was lacking until
Its scattered enrichment was counted poverty

١٨. أَعْوَزَتْهَا سِيَاسَةُ الْمَالِ حَتَّى
عُدَّ إِثْرَاؤُهَا الْمُشَتَّت فَقْرَا

19. How can nations grow rich without intent
Even if fertility replaced barrenness as land

١٩. كَيْف تَثْرِي الأَقْوَامُ مِنْ غَيْرِ قَصْد
وَلَوِ الْخَصْبُ بدلَ التُّرْبَ تِبْرا

20. So by the grace of the leader Talaat Harb
The matter was corrected after it was an issue

٢٠. فَبِفضْلِ الزَّعِيمِ طَلْعَتَ حَرْبٍ
صُلِحَ الأَمْرُ بَعْدَ أَنْ كَان أَمْرَا

21. He established the great bank, so it was the origin
And the branches extended, many

٢١. أَسَّس الْمَصْرِفَ الْكَبِيرَ فَكَانَ الأَصْلُ
وَامْتَدَّتِ التَّفارِيغُ كُثْرَا

22. And the strength of cooperation appeared
In achieving what is not expected as gain and abundance

٢٢. وبَدَتْ قُوَّةُ التعَاوُنِ فِي
تحْقِيقِ مَا لا يُظَنُّ كَسْباً وَوَفْرَا

23. Egyptian companies he assembled
An awakening that fills the souls with glad tidings

٢٣. شَرِكَاتٌ مَصْرِيَّة أَلِفَتْهَا
نهْضَةٌ تَمْلأُ الجوَانِحَ بُشْرَا

24. He perfected reason and management of wealth
His morals appraised profit as ripe fruit

٢٤. أَحْكَمَ الرَّأْيَ وَالتَّصرُّفَ فِي الْمَالِ
قدَّرَتْ أَخْلاقُهُ الرِّبْحَ دُرَّا

25. An awakening that did not exclusive to Egypt in its blessings
And it encompassed the regions of the East in general

٢٥. نَهْضَةٌ لَمْ تَخُصَّ مِصْرَ بِنُعْمَاهَا
وعَمَّت نوَاحِي الشَّرْقِ طُرَّا

26. So it showed us ships sailing the air
And it showed us ships treading the sea

٢٦. فَأَرَتَنَا السَّفينَ تنْقَادُ جَوّاً
وَأَرَتْناَ السَّفينَ تَرتَادُ بَحْرَا

27. And it showed us the greatest industries established
After they were small industries

٢٧. وَأَرَتْنَا كُبْرَى الصِّناعَاتِ قَامَتْ
بَعْدَ أَنْ كانَتِ الصِّناعَاتُ صُغْرَ

28. And it showed us brilliance in every established field
For the activity of minds, flowers blooming

٢٨. وَأَرتْنَا النُّبوغَ فِي كلِّ مُجْلى
لِنَشاطِ الْعُقولِ يَطْلَلُ زهْرَا

29. And it showed us in the swarming of resolve and management
The march of armies, attacking and fleeing

٢٩. وَأَرَتْنَا فِي حَومِة الْقصْدِ وَالتَّدْبِيرِ
زحْفَ الْجُيُوشِ كرّاً وَفَرَّا

30. And it showed us the spoils of profit and sustenance
From it to those deserving given

٣٠. وأَرتْنَا غَنَائِمَ الرِّبْحِ وَالأَرْزَاقِ
مِنها على ذَوِي الْحَقِّ تُجْرَى

31. And it showed us barrenness transformed into fertility
And hardship transformed into ease

٣١. وأَرتْنَا جَدْباً تَحوَّلَ خَصْباً
وَأَرتْنَا عُسْراً تَحَوَّلَ يُسْرَا

32. And it showed us a condition from which
The nations benefit, and above that take pride

٣٢. وأَرتْنَا حالاً تَفِيدُ بِهَا
الأَوطَانُ نَفْعاً وَفَوْقَ ذِلكَ فَخْرَا

33. O people of Egypt, Talaat Harb
Is unmatched in resolve, wisdom and righteousness

٣٣. يَا بَنِي مِصْرَ إِنَّ طَلْعتَ حَرْبٍ
لا يُجَارَى عَزْماً وَحَزماً وَبِرَّا

34. Apart from these first glories, how much
Did he make easy for you and pave roughness

٣٤. دُونَ هَذِهِ المَآثِرِ الْغُرِّ كَمْ
ذَلَّلَ صَعْباً لَكُم ومَهِّدَ وَعْرا

35. Can the glory of reformers be equaled
Who built his nation and brought about an age?

٣٥. هلْ يُسامَى فِي الْمَجِد مُجْدُ عِصَامِيٍّ
بَنَى أُمَّتهُ وأَحْدَثَ عَصْرا