
O beautiful flask

يا حسنها قارورة

1. O beautiful flask
That came swaying in her gait

١. يَا حُسْنَهَا قَارُورَةٌ
جَاءَتْ مَهْفَهَفَةَ القَوَامِ

2. Radiant, filled
With water that shines without wick

٢. وَضَّاءةٌ مَمْلُوءةٌ
مَاءَ يُضِيءُ بِلا ضِرَامِ

3. Water that heals the breasts
Of those who drink from life's bitterness

٣. مَاءٌ بِهِ تُشْفَى صُدُورُ
الشَّارِبِينَ مِنَ الأَوَامِ

4. The secret of dew is in it, and the secret
Of the noble guide's fervor

٤. سِرُّ النَّدَى فِيهِ وَسِرُّ
حَمِيَّةِ المُهْدِي الهُمَامِ

5. Abbas the distilled, his love
The generous, son of the generous

٥. عَبَّاسٌ المُصْفَى مُوَدَّتَهُ
الكَرِيمُ ابْنِ الكِرَامِ

6. Bearer of plenty in his streaming
And in his stringing, sweetest wine

٦. سَاقِي النُّهَى بِنَثِيرِهِ
وَنَظِيمِهِ أَشْهَى مُدَامِ