
This is Ukaz, and that is its arena

هذي عكاظ وذاك معهدها

1. This is Ukaz, and that is its arena
Where its finest youths renew it

١. هَذِي عُكَاظٌ وَذَاكَ مَعْهَدُهَا
أَنْبَغُ فِتْيَانِهَا مُجَدِّدُهَا

2. The wishes turn to it, longing and having
Waited long for its appointed time

٢. بَاتَتْ إِلَيْهَا المُنَى تَتُوقُ وَقَدْ
طَالَ عَلَى الرَّاقِبِينَ مَوْعِدُهَا

3. In Egypt it stood tall and glorious
Restoring for the Arabs what its scene once was

٣. فِي مِصْرَ قَامَتْ وَجَلَّ مَأْثَرَةً
لِلْعُرْبِ مَا قَدْ أَعَادَ مَشْهَدُهَا

4. Those with souls of ambition bargained there
On its gems and riches galore

٤. سَاوَمَ فِيهَا عَلَى جَوَاهِرِهِ
مَنْ فِي مَرَائِي النُّفُوسِ يَنْضِدُهَا

5. And its platforms enlivened the age
Nay, every age has its reciter there

٥. وَأَطْرَبَ العَصْرَ مِنْ مَنَابِرِهَا
بَلْ كُلَّ عَصْرٍ يَجِيءُ مُنْشِدُهَا

6. And the generations vied in its contests
Wise in its conventions and unfettered in flight

٦. وَنَافَرَ القِرْنَ فِي مَجَاوِلِهَا
أَرْصَنُهَا فِطْنَةً وَأَشْرَدُهَا

7. Pure are its pearls which intertwined
And its chaste verses and sheathed blades

٧. مِنَ النُّهَى سُمْرُهَا الَّتِي اشْتَبَكَتْ
وَالبِيضُ مَشْهُورُهَا وَمَغْمَدُهَا

8. Youths of Egypt, here are your trials
Rivaling the costliest speech, excelling it

٨. شُبَّانَ مِصْر هَذِي مَقَاوِلُكُمْ
نَافَسَ أَغْلَى الكَلامِ جَيِّدُهَا

9. So accomplish deeds its equal, and it will restore
Egypt’s sovereignty and support its pillars

٩. فَأَتْقِنُوا مِثْلَهَا الفِعَالَ يَعُدْ
لِمِصْرَ سُلْطَانُهَا وَسُؤْدُدُهَا