
The chin still winning, as was its habit

والثغر ما زال في اماثرات

1. The chin still winning, as was its habit
Prevailing, as of old, over present and past

١. وَالثَّغْرُ مَا زَالَ فِي المَأْ
ثُرَاتِ رَاجِحَ كِفَّهْ

2. And victory, in every perilous moment
Remaining allied to its pledge ever constant

٢. كَعَهْدِهِ فَازَ بِالسَّبْـ
ـقِ وَالحَوَاضِرُ خَلْفَهْ

٣. وَالْفَوْزُ فِي كُلِّ حَالٍ
خَطِيرَةٍ ظَلَّ حِلْفَهْ