
And who among the youths is like the virtuous one

ومن لك في الفتيان بالفاضل الذي

1. And who among the youths is like the virtuous one
Who has the nobility of Michael, wisdom and generosity

١. وَمَنْ لَكَ فِي الْفِتْيَانِ بِالْفَاضِلِ الَّذِي لَـ
ـهُ نُبْلُ مِيخَائِيل وَالْحُلْمُ وَالرِّفْدُ

2. He brings together scattered praises striving
To hide the flaws so praise shines through

٢. يُؤَلِّفُ أَشْتَاتَ الْمَحَامِدِ جَاهِداً
بِإِخْفَاءِ بَادِيهَا فَيَظْهَرُهُ الْحَمْدُ

3. Great of purpose, perfection embodied, combining
Eloquence and gentle disposition like honey

٣. كَبِيرُ الْمُنَى جَمُّ الفَضَائِلِ جَامِعٌ
إِلى الأَدَبِ السِّلسَالِ طَبْعاً هَوَ الشَّهْدُ

4. He humbles himself before the virtuous
And rises above being touched by hatred

٤. يُصَغِّرُ لِلْعَافِي مِنَ النَّاسِ نَفْسَهُ
وَيُكْبِرَهَا عَنْ أَنْ يَلِمَّ بِهَا الْحِقْدُ