
The necklace is undone, yet what beauty

انفرط العقد ويا حسنه

1. The necklace is undone, yet what beauty
Its beads trickling like drops of dew

١. انْفَرَطَ العِقْدُ وَيَا حُسْنَهُ
حَبَّاتُهُ تَجْرِي كَقِطْرِ النَّدَى

2. The necklace binding you is not undone
That necklace is indeed priceless

٢. لاَ انْفَرَطَ العِقْدُ الَّذِي ضَمَّكُمْ
وَلَيْكُ ذَاكَ العِقْدُ نِعْمَ الفِدَى

3. As for her who wore it around her neck
And the neck extolled what it was adorned with

٣. أَمَّا الَّتِي قَلَّدَهُ جِيدُهَا
وَحَبَّذَا الجِّيدُ وَمَا قُلِّدَا

4. If something fleeting yet beautiful
Could be made eternal, the necklace would have been eternalized

٤. لَوِ أَنَّ شَيْئاً زَائِلاً حُسْنُهُ
خُلِّدَ كَانَ العِقْدُ قَدْ خُلِدَا