1. Who is like Makram in his superiority when
His words weigh more than minds can comprehend?
١. مَنْ مِثْلُ مَكْرَمَ فِي تَفَوُّقِهِ إِذَا
رَجَحَ الكَلامَ لَدَى العُقُولِ كَلامُ
2. No torrent flows faster than his thoughts do, though
The roar flows on as tunes pour forth and blend.
٢. مَا السَّيْلُ أَسْرَعُ مِنْ خَوَاطِرِهِ سِوَى
أَنَّ الهَدِيرَ وَقَدْ جَرَتْ أَنْغَامُ
3. Keen-witted, swift to act, ambitious-souled,
Far-sighted, daring, valiant to the end.
٣. مُتَوَقِّدٌ فَطِناً سَبُوقٌ هِمَّةً
مُتَبَصِّرٌ مُتَهَوِّرٌ مِقْدَامُ