
O you who excessively indulge in vain amusement,

يا مسرفا في لهوه

1. O you who excessively indulge in vain amusement,
And are carried away by self-conceit,

١. يَا مُسْرِفاً فِي لَهْوِهِ
وَمُذْهَباً فِي العَجَبْ

2. Why do you not show modesty and give charity,
With some of what you earn?

٢. هَلاَّ احْتَشَمْتَ وَتَصَدَّقْتَ
بِبَعْضِ الكَسَبْ

3. What good is wealth to you if it is said,
"He is very rich but lacks manners"?

٣. مَاذَا يَفِيْدُكَ الْغِنى إِنْ قِيْلَ
مِثْرِيٌ حَرَبْ

4. You made me feel your coldness,
Yet I heard no reproach.

٤. أشعرتني بجفاء
وما سمعت بعتب

5. O most just of people, why
Did you not tell me my sin?

٥. يا أعدل الناس هلا
أخبرتني ما ذنبي

6. I have no sin against you
Except my loyalty and love.

٦. وليس لي فيك ذنب
إلا ولائي وحبي

7. I remain true to my vow
Whether you stay close or go far.

٧. إني على العهد باق
إن جدت أو لا بقرب

8. For most women we see,
The best veil is to leave off the veil.

٨. لأكثر النسوة ممن نرى
خير نقاب هو ترك النقاب

9. The beautiful woman may have an excuse to be veiled,
But what excuse has another to be veiled?

٩. قد تعذر الحسناء إن تحتجب
وغيرها ما عذرها في الحجاب

10. Blessed is the birth of one whose mother
Was of the essence of dew when she gave birth.

١٠. حبذا مولد من أنجبته
كان من حظ الندى أن ينجبا

11. His smile is one of truthfulness,
Through him a star is made complete.

١١. بشرته هلة صادقة
بعلى يكمل فيها كوكبا

12. And his life, throughout its history,
Enjoys a gentle, sweet living.

١٢. وبعمر في مدى تاريخه
يغنم العيش رقيقا طيبا