1. For Egypt's sake he built as none before
On a firm base, lofty and far outspread
١. لمصْرَ بَنَى مَا عَزَّ قَبْلاً بنَاؤُهُ
عَلَى مُقْدمٍ جَلدٍ فَأَعْلَى وَمَدَّدَا
2. With her own coin Egypt's fair town he raised
And stage by stage to high estate her led
٢. بَنَى بَنْكَهَا منْ مَالهَا برجَالهَا
وَهَيَّأ صَرْحاً بَعْدَ صَرْحٍ فَشَيَّدَا
3. Her landmarks one by one to view arose
As hand in hand did Youth and Workmanship wed
٣. مَعَالمُ قَامَتْ وَاحداً تِلوَ وَاحدٍ
فَكَانَتْ يَداً مَيْمُونَةً أَعْقَبَتْ يَدَا
4. The wealth of Egypt and her people's hands
Did clothe and feed her folk, nor stranger fed
٤. بهَا منْ جَنَى مصْرٍ وَمنْ نَسْج كَفِّهَا
كُسَاهَا وَلَمْ يَمْدُدْ غَريبٌ لَها يَدَا
5. O'er seas uncharted sent he forth her ships
That scented breezes to his nostril sped
٥. وَسَيَّرَ فِي البَحْر المُحيط سَفينَهَا
فَمَا كَانَ أَحْلى عَوْدَهُنَّ وَأَحْمَدَا
6. Through heaven's void her birds of prey he loosed
That paired and lonely God's dominion tread
٦. وَأَطْلَقَ فِي الجَوِّ السَّحيق نسُورَهَا
تَجُوبُ فَضَاءَ الله مَثْنَى وَمَوْحَدَا
7. Her meeds are Industry's fair palaces
Wherein abides the weal of Work renewed
٧. وَأَنْشَأَ دُوراً للصِّناعَات جَمَّةً
بهَا خَيْرُ عَهْدٍ للصِّناعَات جُدِّدَا
8. Full many a mission sent he forth to learn
Full many an institute did found and endow
٨. وَكَمْ في سَبيل العلمِ عَبَّأ بَعْثَةً
وَكَمْ في سَبيل الفَنِّ أَنْشَأَ مَعْهَدَا
9. To succor lives and guard men's interests
That were as fount of plenty ever new
٩. يُيَسِّرُ أَرْزَاقاً وَيَرْعَى مَرَافقاً
زَكَتْ مَصْدَراً للعَاملينَ وَمَوْرِدَا
10. In halls of Science was his lifeblood drained
Against the ignorance that all things marred
١٠. وَيُولي بُيُوتَ العلمِ منْ نَفَحَاتهِ
ذَرَائعَ إِصْلاَحٍ لمَا الفَقْرُ أَفْسَدَا
11. To letters dead his quick'ning wish returned
And merit raised he to its destined star
١١. وَيَذْكُرُ للآدَاب عَهْداً فَمَا يَني
مُعيناً لمَنْ يُعْنَى بهِنَّ وَمُنْجدَا
12. While glorious monuments of his reign
Shall time outlast and envious tongues confound
١٢. مَآثرُ مِا دَامَتْ سَتُثْني بمَا بهَا
عَلَى فَضْلهِ الأَوْفَى وَتُزْري المُفَنِّدَا